Why am I overly emotional the day after a concert?!

I've noticed that whenever I go to a concert, on the following day I get extremely emotional, I get sad, I will cry if I think about the concert even the slightest bit. Why does this happen?
well after i come back from a concert and about a week later i still think about what went on. i listen to emo music but it may be different for people who listen to country or rap. you really just wanna keep yourself there and you feel torn because your not there anymore.

Other Answers:
well when you go to concerts do u listen to the emo stuff? that could make you feel depressed or something like i listen to that stuff all the time soo..yea that could be what it is..

the coldplays getting to you. if i had coldplay blaring in my ears two hours the night before, i'd cry too.

hmmm well im not really sure but if you take drugs at the concert then this would surely be the reason, as all you happy endorphins would be used up. if not the only thing i can think of is if you are really tired the next day you can just feel emotional because your system is depleted and you will find it harder to deal with things.maybe you could also become upset because something you were looking forward to is over?

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