How do you get rid of a common cold?!


There is no cure to the common cold, but Vitamin C (oranges, grapefruit, etc.) helps a lot and you should drink a lot of fluids and rest.

Other Answers:
Take regularly Vitamin C daily but not more than 500mg

get some air born it works great

If it is truly a common cold (a virus), then not much. Drinking lots of fluids helps your body flush out the virus and avoid secondary infections (like bacterial sinus infections).

Vitamin C and echinacea are great to boost your immune system to prevent catching a cold, but only zinc has been found to reduce symptoms and length of the cold after you've got it. There's a product out there that has Zinc and I think Vitamin C too, called can try that.

Hope you feel better!

soak some towels with ice cold water and wrap em around your legs below your knees to your ancle. Then lay down in a warm bed and cover yourself up for 10-20 minutes. have a hot citron-tea with honey with it.

There is no cure for a common cold. You can make yourself more comfortable by drinking hot tea with lemon and honey. Take Vitamin C and eat well to help your body fight the cold. I also suggest heating your body up right before laying down by drinking hot tea, or eating warm soup then cover up with warm covers and you will see that your body will heat up. This is your bodys way of fighting infections, thats why we get temperatures when we have infections like ear infections, throat infections, etc. IF you indulge and depend too much on cold medication you are not relying on your bodys own strength and your immune system will then become dependent on cold medication for healing. I never take cold medicine and when I get a cold it never last long at all. I'm a mother of 4 children I have lots of experience with this kind of stuff.

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