What's the best way not to feel the pain when you're getting a full body wax?!


unfortunately, you can't make the pain go away, but you can lessen it a little. Don't drink any caffeine before you go and take a aspirin. The caffeine stimulates the blood vessels, causing you to be more sensitive. By taking aspirin, you can minimize the inflammation.

Other Answers:
I could say have a conversation with the waxer or bring someone with you to have a conversation with, or read a book, or watch telly, or anything else in hopes of distracting yourself from the pain.

but none of those things really work. Maybe a shot or two before you go?

Hiya, There are several ways to decrease the nociception before having a body wax. Here are a few:
1) Acetaminophen - analgesic
2) Ibuprofen - 200-600mg - analgesic /anti-inflammitory
3) Topical lidocaine / benzocaine (OTC)
4) Meditation / relaxation

as you probably already are aware, the anxiety associated with having the waxing treatment heightens the awareness and increases the severity of the pain, for that reason, being relaxed and being able to focus on something pleasurable during the procedure would help immensely.

Most importly a good waxer does it quick and painlessly. Try switching to laser hair removal it works and is much cheaper in the long run then the expense of waxing all the time. Here in LA we have Sweet Cheeks, in the valley they are famous with all Hughes girls. They are professional that do it fast and painlessly.

I agree with the person who mentioned meditation/relaxing. There is always a chance that the person getting the waxing done is against taking medicine for whatever reason and therefore the aspirin/ibuprofen trick wouldn't work. I for one am allergic to both and would rather a holistic approach myself. My mother told me when she was giving birth to me, the nurses helped her with focusing on a certain object or they would massage an area of her body like her middle toe or her right hip or something and it became a focal point to send all the stress and pain out that focal point. Does that make sense? It really helps me when I'm in pain so maybe it will help you.

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