how can I reduce my high tryglicerides?!


Niacin works great, as does cholesterol-lowering meds. But if it's just the triglycerides, ask your doctor about Niaspan. It's a timed release niacin. Don't take big doses of the regular niacin because you'll turn red, sweat, itch, etc. It's made people miserable. Another hint. when you take Niaspan, take half an aspirin about 30 minutes before. Sometimes the Niaspan can cause some degree of redness, too, but the aspirin will prevent it.

Other Answers:
Try taking garlic pills. Worked for me..My tryglicerides were way past 1000 now they are down to the normal 145.

By taking lipid lowering agents, exercise like waking, avoiding fatty food, by reducing weight, and by avoiding stress.

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