will a hemmoroid?!

will a hemoroid go away on its own?
no they won't

They aren't harmful as long as you only have a few and they don't get larger. They are actually an internal thing, and from sitting on the toilet too long or straining makes them pop out. They do a banding procedure which is painless (they dont have nerves) and it makes the hemorroid shrivel up and go away.

Other Answers:
i thought so at first.but he's still here after 6 years of marraige
good luck!

I had mine for seriously like 3 years. I hated it and it was embarissing.
I had to get it surgically removed. Didn't hurt and it was fast.

Probably not, but it may not need any medical treatment.

You just might need a change of diet, more fibre/vegetables to soften movements.

Depends entirely on the 'roid itself.

Don't know. But kudos to Badfish 911--that was FUNNY!

majority of the time it will go away on its own. depending on the severity, you may want to apply some topical cream etc.

Sometimes it goes away on its own, depends on the kind of hemorrhoid, if is a outty probably not a inney could recede on its own.Good Luck

it may go away for a little while but it comes back.

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