how can I get rid of the hiccups?!


Place a tablespoon of sugar in mouth and suck slowly. In most cases, it is a sure remedy. For the authors of this web site, it works in more than 90% times.
Block both ears aand drink 6 ounces water without stopping to breathe. It works in more than 90% times
Hold your breath as long as possible, and let it go out. The lungs expand and push down on the diaphragm, stopping hiccups immediately.
Take a deep breathe through your mouth, lean forward and push down your stomach. Hold in that position as long as you can and then slowly exhale the air through your mouth.
Mix 2 tsp common salt in a cup of plain yogurt (curd, yoghurt) and eat. In most cases, it is a good remedy.
Boil 1/2 tsp of cardamom fresh powder in 2 cup water till about 1 cup water remains, Sieve it and drink a glassful of this warm water.
For recurring hiccups, suck small pieces of fresh ginger.
Plug your ears with your fingers and drink something with a straw.
Lay on your back.
Put a paper bag over your mouth and nose and breathe several times.
For some eating a spoonful of peanut butter stops hiccups immediately. It can work for children also.
Pull your tongue out of your mouth as far as you can and hold it for a couple of seconds.
Plug your ears and nose and drink water.
Sing or laugh as loud as you can.
Tickle your uvula (the piece of skin that hangs down deep inside in your mouth) with a wrapped straw.
Enage yourself in talking with somebody and do not care about hiccups. The hiccups will stop in five minutes.

Other Answers:
Sometimes you can hold your breath for ten seconds.
Drink a glass of cold water.Have someone to scare you or have that special someone kiss you!

I have personally found that swallowing a spoonful of sugar (yes, a whole spoon full) often helps. But more than not, try to do deep breathing and wait it out.

I learned this from my family in Japan.. It's a modification on the whole tilt your head back while swallowing water technique, but this actually works, or it has for me on countless occasions anyway.

The key is, the earlobe is an important pressure point, so you have someone gently rub your earlobes while you take a sip of water, tilt your head back, and swallow the water slowly, all the while having that person rubbing your earlobes. If it doesn't work the first time, repeat once, and they should be gone by then.

The downside is you might look slightly funny in a public place and if you're not among friends it might be hard to ask someone to rub your earlobes, but once you get over the "that's strange" reaction of it, it really has a great pay off. Remember to relax. If you are fidgety or laughing, it may not work.

It really has made my and many of my friend's hiccups go away and I use it whenever I have them.

Good luck!

Breath into a brown paper bag several times.

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