what other effects do u get from your period besides cramps?!

like headache? cramps?<what else besides that
becoming moody,
laziness.sleeping all day

Other Answers:
I get a little irritable. I also get worse skin, like more pimples.

Bloating, irritability, sore breasts, acne,back pain, cravings,the effects are different for every woman.

My skin tends to break out, I get the munchies like crazy, I get bloated and moody.
Only good thing is, I usually don't have bad cramps. I can usually get away without even taking anything for them.

Mine is different every month. Irritability, bloating, cramps, constipation, backache, headache, food cravings. I used to get breast tenderness, but haven't had that in years. Sometimes I get no symptoms at all. Isn't it fun being a woman?! :p

some people experience backaches, i had severe problems, such as vomiting, cold sweats and sometimes even passing out. it all depends on the person. aleve really helps with cramps by the way.

My breasts get tender, I usually get constipated and I sometimes find that sleeping is all that I want to. Also there's a spot on my right cheek that get a blemish only it never comes to a head and eventually goes away after my cycle.

back aches.

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