what do i do if i just cant loose weight? i cant stop eating!?!

i cant stop eating! im 2 lazy to do excersice. i think this is a serious health risk i know most of u will say u lard *** go jog, i would but my breath gets short! even if i walk i tire easily and my belly keeps growing! even when im not hungry i cant stop eating!! plz help anyone!
It sounds like you might have some sort of emotional problem and that food is your escape. Try going to counseling.
If this is not the case, them maybe you need a hobby since all you do is think about food. You definitely need to change your mentality about working out.
You try Weight Watchers you might enjoy that programs since you are allowed to eat what you want and your not deprived.

Good Luck & Stay Strong.

Other Answers:
try writing down everything you eat and snack. and the time. if you physically see a list and its obvious your abusing food. you will slow down. Just as long as you keep writing everything down.

Maybe you should start with some simple modifications to your lifestyle, and when you start losing a little weight you might be inspired to take it a step further and make more serious changes in your diet and workout more. If you feel like you can't stop eating, just keep eating, but eat healthier foods. Chop up some veggies and have them ready in the fridge so that you can grab them when hunger strikes. You could even dip them in a little low-fat/cal ranch dressing or something. Have some washed grapes on hand, and maybe cut up some apples/bananas and put some non-fat yogurt on top. I've read that dipping fruit in chocolate syrup is actually okay as long as you don't use too much.just enough for flavor if the fruit doesn't taste good enough to you already. You could eat pretzels or low-fat microwave popcorn instead of chips, that sort of thing. And don't drink sodas, maybe just water flavored with lemon, or some iced tea. Just don't buy the crap in the stores, because if it's in your home you'll find a reason to eat it. Start taking walks, even if it's not very far. You've gotta start somewhere. Buy a pedometer (they're very cheap at Wal-Mart or Target) and aim for maybe 10,000 steps per day at first. I know that sounds like alot, but it's really not because it adds up quickly. If you hate the thought of exercise, do something that's fun for you like a dance class or martial arts. If you make some changes like that, I think you'll begin to lose weight and then you'll be really inspired to go further with it. I know a lot of people have had success with Weight Watchers. If you can't do it on your own, you might consider something like that. Good luck!

Drink a big glass of water before each meal. In the morning upon waking drink 16oz of warm water with 2 tablespoons of lemon juice or vinegar. That helps with the fat flushing. Exercising also helps with the hunger. Drink ice water it helps with burning calories cause your metabolism revs up to bring the water to body temp. Use a small 8in plate to put your food on. It makes it look like you have a lot of food. NO SECOND HELPINGS.If you have to have seconds make sure its the vegetables. Cut out sodas completely. Yes even diet. Just by cutting out sodas and juice alone you can lose 10lbs the first month. Just imagine adding exercise (even if its taking 3 10min brisk walks), and portion control you can lose 15 to 20 lbs. I know cause I been there. I lost 22lbs the first month and 10 lbs every month for the past 6 months. I got 15lbs to go to meet my goal.

I saw your question and my heart went out to you. I hope that you IM me or email me pretaining to another question that you had for me. I too have been overweight for along time in my life. I have found ways to manage myself so much better tho. I have lost 200 pounds in about 11 months and i am still going.

The key is to not starve yourself. What are the first letters of diet. DIE-T Why should DIE while trying to diet? Its something that you should enjoy and make fun. After all its for your body right?

Snack threw out the day. I eat 6 times a day and i never exercise. i hate it! Plus when I lost my weight I was bed bound for about 9 of those months. trust me I know weight and its no fun!

Protein and Faith are my best words to discribe weight loss. You dont want to lose weight and have hangy baggy skin right? SO by eating lots of protein u lose more, and ur skin will be pretty as u lose the weight. make sure you eat at the same times everyday.

If u eat fast food. have subway OR order a chicken sandwich no bread only tomotoe and lettuce and have a salad for the side instead of fries.

Drink lots of water and teas.

snack on cottage cheese. ESPECIALLY b4 bed. eating cottage cheese b4 bed helps the seritonin levels in ur brain. u lose weight as u sleep :)

( forgive me for all my bad spelling im trying to hurry cuz im making dinner too lol.)

another good snack is yogurt and popcorn. (yes even the cheesey kind lol )

(smart pop popcorn in the black bag that is already made and sprinkled with white cheese OMG yummmmmy!) not to mention cheap LOL

Try to make ur biggest meal lunch.

never have dinner after 7pm and never eat after 8pm. and get sleep. rather u know it of not sleep plays and important role in weight lose. the more the better !

I have lost more ways that can make it fun and worth wile. email me anytime or IM me if u would like.. Good luck.
Me :)

Well, if you won't stop eating and you won't move your body, you will never lose weight.
I had gotten so fat I could barely walk and was always out of breath. I started setting the timer and walking (pacing) in my house for 3 minutes. When that didn't tire me, I went to four minutes, etc, until I was able to actually go outside and walk. Now I work out in a pool for 80 minutes 3x a week (took a year to work up to that).
You can't be so lazy that you can't take THREE MINUTES a couple of times a day to walk back and forth in your house. If you are, then you've made your choice. Sorry if that seems harsh, but I've BEEN THERE and chosen to get off the couch.
My diet and exercise blog:

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