How can I build my body from skinny to muscular? How long does it take?!

In the past, I tried to build my body but I failed because after a few months I didn't see any improvement.
I drank protein, but I got diarrhea. Then I just gave up. Are some people destined to be skinny?
Thanks for the answers.
There are a number of considerations you need to take into account. First, resistance training (weight lifting) can be done either aerobically (lower weight, higher reps), which would produce a longer, leaner muscle mass, or anaerobically (higher weight, lower reps), which would produce a thicker muscle mass. You should consider and visualize how you want to look, and ask yourself if there are athletic functional areas you are focusing in on, or just an overall appearance. If there is a particular functionality you are shooting for, key in on exercises that work the appropriate muscle groups and body motions associated with that activity. Second, I have found that some protein supplements I have taken give me diarrhea, where others don't. I think you have to experiment around until you find the product that works for you. Of course, you want supplements to be just that, supplements to a healthy diet. I'd suggest you do as much reading as possible in bodybuilding magazines as well as talk with people at the gym or others who have the look you are seeking. Building muscle mass is a long-term endeavor that requires patience and consistent effort. In some ways, it is no different than trying to learn a new academic subject, in that there is a learning curve (in physical activities, think results), and everyone's curve is different. Yes, genetic pre-disposition is an important factor. I believe you should always do exercises that are enjoyable and challenging for you. Try not to over train by paying attention to what your body is telling you, and don't overlook rest.

Other Answers:
strength train with weights
exactly how many months did you try? it's going to take time.
up your protein & calories & whatnot to feed your body the energy it needs to build muscle

people who give up so eaisly are
body builders work very hard, for years.
It is said that for every year you gain 5 pounds of muslce. So expect to be at it for a while

if your really thin, that just may be your body type. try eating healthy and eating a lot of complex carbs and protein. don't go completely overboard though. then do aerobic exercise and also strength training exercises.

you can always ask your doctor about it too.

Well you gotta go on a beef diet. Magnesium helps with bodymass and then you can weight train (body build) and gain muscle. Eat beef and drink a little more milk (whole or 2%). It totally worked for me but watch your salt intake.

Anyone can build muscle. Should see improovements in a couple months. Drastic improvements take at least a year. Heavy weights = bigger muscles, but don't hurt yourself. When you feel liek your stuck in a rut start different excercises that work the same muscle groups. Protein drinks are not necessary. Make sure you get minimum 100 grams of protein per day. Eat a chicken breast or a few cooked egg whites after your workout. Drink a tall glass of milk before bed and in the morning. Good ways to get extra protein.

Actually some people do seem to have a genetic predisposition towards thinness. Of the 3 human body types, an "ectomorph" are long lean bodies such as basketball players and ballerinas. I would suggest that if the protein supplements ill affect you, that you stick with a high protein diet but don't leave out carbs as they will bulk you up. In exercise, don't do a lot of fast reps. That is great for losing weight and toning. Do slow reps with more weight to build a bigger muscle. When you have done all you can do then be happy with yourself and your body. You may not ever bulk up like 'Arnold' but the important thing is to be in the best health you can be in. Oh, and thank your lucky stars that you don't have the opposite problem!

i would stay away from the protein shakes and supplements and get the real deal- beef chicken, etc, drink more milk and try slower reps with more weight. flexing exercises will help with the look and developement as well don't expect to see results quickly as youm are working against your natural body type. they will come though just be dedicated and keep trying

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