I was needing to know if whenever you get your "tubes tied" do you men!

I am having my left ovary taken out and a cyst removed on my right side and then the right ovary will be clamped. I forgot to ask my Dr. and my surgery is tomorrow. Can anyone answer this? Thanks.
Yes you will still ovulate, but with your tubes tied the egg will never get fertilized, so you will still have periods.

Other Answers:
yes trust me you still bleed until you have a full hysterectomy.

Yes, you will still have periods.

yes, until the uterus is taken out.


As long as you have at least one remaining ovary, you will continue to menstruate. The ovary releases the hormones that cause women's cycles, so without them, the cycles stop. If you still have one ovary, you'll continue to get visits from good 'ol Aunt Flo.

yes you do until you have a hysterectomy


even after you have your tubes tied or one taken out you will still have your period

Once your tube is tied, the egg will have no way to travel to the uterus for implantation. You will still ovulate, which releases the hormones that causes menstration. So to answer your question.yes! Surgery may cause you stress, but eventually your menstrual cycles will return.

don't worry


Yes you will have periods if ovary is there, does notr matter that tube is tied.

Yes, this is natural phenomena tube ligation do not stop the menstrual cycle.

Yes, you will continue to have menstrual periods unless you have the uterus removed. And having your tubes tied doesn't guarantee no pregnancies--I've had 3 friends who had their tubes tied and had tubal pregnancies, very scary and painful. Get fully informed before you get a procedure done. Peace!

Yes you do still menstruate. even though you will not be able to reproduce your body does not know that and your menstruation cycle will still be the same as it was.

Yes, unless you are getting your uterus taken out you will still get periods.

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