What free program can I use to lose 15 lbs. in a month?!


CHeck THIS out! its my Daily workout schedule

10:00am- 15 push-ups, 20 sit-ups, 25 leg-ups, weight lifts- 5 and 10 lb dumbbells
2:00pm- 10push-ups, 25sit-ups, 30 leg-ups
7:45pm-15 push-ups, 20 sit-ups, 25 leg-ups, weight lifts- 5 and 10 lb dumbbells
10:30pm-10 push-ups, 20 sit-ups, 30 leg-ups

Doing these exercises Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday for 3 months, will result in huge weight loss. For those of you that do not need to lose weight, this will result a gain in abs, arms and leg muscles. If you’re really outgoing (and don’t have access to weight machines), buy some weights and put them in a backpack. Wear the backpack full of weights while you’re doing pushups. Or just have somebody get on your back while doing them. Also, be sure to eat healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, ect. Proper nutrition is important while doing workouts. Eating extra healthy foods during workouts will help give a boost for you body.

Other Answers:
A "free" program to lose weight is called exercise.

check out the web for "cabbage soup diet"

Why? Do you not think you're good enough? I think we should all know something:

Being differents means special..

You don't need to force yourself to be skinny. There's a big difference after, the real you is gone and the new one is born. Although if you're overweight( which i don't expect because you seem pretty good in fit if you only want 15 off) it's a different story.

Go to www.diamondgemztone.piczo.com and go to "Dreams and Wishes" page to learn about life skills, the one with a pic of twins is the one for you, go there and read the article, it's my website.

if you really want to loose weight, goodluck anyway!

<>dia gemz

you would have to lose half a pound a day thats 1750 calories you have to burn plus you have to burn the calories of the food you at that day say you ate 1200 calories that 1950 calories you have to burn every single day of the month! do you have any idea how much exercise that will take? your gonna have to work out like 3 hours a day and starve yourself

umm actually no starving yourself. if you have a month, that's plenty of time to do it the right way. just eat mainly a vegetarian diet. lots of fruit in the mornings, salads and other veggies as part of lunch and dinner, whole grains, baked potatos. avoid meat as much as possible! it works! recommended reading: Fit For Life.

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