does coca-cola hurts in any way?!

i drink a lot of pepsi and coke and i am afraid that is a problem
It's a lot of sugar your body really doesn't need. You're also getting a lot of calories unnoticed through soda. The diet stuff isn't much better, because it's full of chemicals that your body definitely doesn't need. A large soda at a fast food restaurant has about 400 calories in it. That's 20% of your daily recommended intake! Soda also causes tooth decay and dehydration - because instead of drinking water, you drink soda, which is a diuretic and does nothing to hydrate your body. If you want some soda, drink it in moderation (no more than one can per day). Better yet, drink water.

Other Answers:
drink it moderately

i don't think so. it could stain your teeth like coffe and tea. when coca-cola was first introduced (in 1930s) it contained cocaine :)

These beverage are very high in calories, I would slow down and drink more water.

Put a coin in a glass of coke and see what happens over a period of time then Consider if you ever want to drink that junk again.

Yeah , it does . Once a day it's ok , but alot ; it means you disturb your body systim and make your self fat for nothing ; if it's not now , it will be later .

You say "drinking lots of coke and pepsi"

Therefore you have identified subconsciously that it may hurt and your half way to your own answer. Too bad you cannot get points for yourself. The jokingly answer, yes pepsi does hurt. No one should ever drink Pepsi!
The serious answer, you need to limit your intake of cola beverages to none. If you drink alot. More than 4 cans a day. Gosh, I hope not! Anyway, if you do, yes it will hurt you.
Too much sugar, too much caffefine and lastly, too much peeing! The sugars are very simple and simple means your body stores them simple, the problem with simple sugars is their is definitely no simple way to loose them. Caffefine, way too much! Caffenine constricts blood vessels and therefore constricting means less blood to all your special places! Lastly too much peeing! The more you pee the more water your body looses and because your body does not see coke as the same as water, you are losing precious water to your body. Lose of water means dry skin and all other stuff, brittle hair. Lastly, what is going to make this the best answer, and you can check it and give me the points is what is going to happen to you after you stop. HEADACHES Don't fret, they are only temporary, but it may take a week or two to get rid of them completely. Agian its the caffefine that causes the headaches.

Again the answer man is here to help, if you insist on drinking coke, drink diet, if you do not like the taste get the zero coke. Lastly stay away from the Pepsi!!

Happy caffefine withdrawls. It will be well worth it!

It hurts the rest of the world because Coke is one of those irresponsible multi-billionaire companies who follow a country's standards loosely rather than keeping a standard international quality.
In India, Parliment banned coke because large amounts of pesticides and insecticides. According to the report, "..including lindane, DDT, malathion and chlorpyrifos, in the colas, making them unfit for consumption. Some samples tested showed the presence of these toxins to be more than 30 times the standard allowed by the European Union."

Also, it added, that
"..multinationals are notorious for serving up products that have been banned in the West to new and emerging markets in developing countries. The tobacco industry, faced with dwindling sales after successful anti-tobacco initiatives in the US, is investing heavily in addicting developing countries. Dow Chemical (owner of the Union Carbide company of the Bhopal gas disaster fame) aggressively markets the pesticide Dursban in India, in spite of the US Environmental Protection Agency announcing plans to phase out Dursban in the US because it is harmful to humans. "

Health-wise (for those not bothered about irresponsible MNC's), it can be quite damaging, even likened to smoking.

According to this writer,
"Take out the water, and all it's remaining ingredients are known toxins, but then even the tap water they use is toxic.. The two most dangerous toxins aresugar (implicated in almost all modern disease), and aspartame (a Monsanto manufactured carcinogenic toxin), and there's plenty more dodgy stuff in every can."

Aspartame is reported as, by soft drink manufacturers themselves as, ".can affect the workings of the brain, changes behavior and even >encourages users to eat extra carbohydrate, so destroying the point of using diet drinks."

Drinking too much fizzy drinks - not just coca cola, can mildly or somewhat effect your state of mind, but not like it's going to send you to the mental hospital.
It's mostly all about health.

As a kid, I used to drink so much Coke that when a visit to the doctor was due and he took an x-ray of my tummy, he hurried to inform my mom to stop the soft drinks because my tummy was filled with gas.
Actually, I don't know if that was a ploy by my mom and the doctor to get me to stop drinking, but you should, like all foods and aspects of life, keep in moderation.

Hope that helped.


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