Hw can I live without having any food rest of my life?!


Actually some patients are not able to eat food, and get their nutrion via a treatment called TPN. Check out this website:

Other Answers:
You cant.

there's no way you can. sorry dude.

stop eating and starve to death. Problem solved!

Walk around with an I.V. and plenty of extra bags. can't say it will be the best quality of life, but it's a life.

Honestly i don't thin its possible.

The food is not the important part, the nutrients are. you can subsist on water and nutrient supplements in the form of liquid or capsules. Wouldn't be very much fun, though.

there is no way of doing that and continue to live

Food is essential to life. Why would you want to live without it? If your reason for this is because of your weight, I suggest you see a doctor about this. You may have a condition.

The rest of your life will be really short if you don't eat.
You have to eat.
Breatharians are lying. (see below)
My weight loss and exercise blog:

stop eating. so, you will live without having food. You won't live too much, though..

one of those tubes.duhhhh

Do you mean solid food? You could live on a liquid diet, although I wouldn't recommend it.or you could be fed intraveinously, but it's not too much fun being hooked up to an IV if you don't have to be. Or you could just not eat and you'd probably die in a month or two.

Actually you can, if you only plan on living a few weeks.

You wont live much longer. There are certain foods you shouldnt eat for the rest of your life, but if you dont eat you will die.

U can do that only after u go to the graveyard

You could have an accident, fall into a coma, and be fed with machines. Remember Terri Schiavo? Not a very fulfilling life, I must say.

It can be done, but it won't be fun. Hopefully, you can swallow liquids: water, juices, milk, nutrition drinks (Ensure), all have nutritional value. Vitamins come in liquid form, as do minerals. Other than that, the hospital/doctor can feed you in different ways. Good luck to you.

you can. just be ready for death.lol

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