Why are really fat people considered handicapped? I mean, its there own fault th!

Thats all.
No it's not always their fault. I will pray for you.

Other Answers:
Umm.., some over weight people are considered disabled because they can not function like most people., as for blame., well., I don't know about that., could be genetic., limbs cut off., who knows., social problems., etc., they do have my empathy.

Obesity is a huge problem in this country. I think that the morbidly obese are considered handicapped because they are not as mobile due to their weight. It puts a tremendous amount of stress on the knees and heart and it can also contribute to many health problems such as hypertension, stroke and diabetes. Some people are genetically predetermined to be overweight but that doesn't mean they must accept their fate and overeat. Exercise is key to being healthy. Lifestyle choices are also a huge factor. One must make a commitment to being healthy to reduce their risk of being overweight and incurring the health risk that go along with it.

OK. Yes, some people can prevent themselves from getting "fat". Too bad they can't do much but sit around. Some not all.
Some people have a "fat" problem because of a disease they have or a medication they take. Something they cannot prevent.
Don't be stupid about the situation. If you hate that they get to be called handicapped then do something about it. Try to find a way you can help them help themselves. You can make a difference in someone's life.. If it is just one hey it is better than none.
Some people do need that push. sometimes a shove.
Don't point and laugh. That is another reason they stay fat.. Not an excuse but hey.. give them a break. They might snap out of it.

Because they have difficulties to move freely or act quickly. So it's kinda like handicapped in that itsy bit sense of disabilities.

My brother has Prader Willi. He's short and fat and it's because of genetics. I'm sorry , let me break that down for you. It's not his FAULT.
Ignorance is BLISS

I don't know. I totally agree.

no wat an idiot u r u r so ignorant and dont know wat ur sayn go 2 skool and find some out lameass *****. Ignorance is growing bigger this days

Because they don't have the mobility that we have. Overeating is being considered a disease, which means it is out of their control to control. Alot of people with eating disorders have mental problems like depression, etc. which in most cases is considered a handicap. Believe, they don't want to be that why, some just don't know how to change even with help.

Sometimes it's not their fault. They may have it because of genetically or hormonally irregularities. There's something with the thyroid gland that can get screwed up and cause them to be fat.

Alot of times it is NOT their fault, but alot of times it is! And when it is, it is lack of discipline to ones self. If you excercise every day and watch what you eat, you can maintain and manage your weight. I feel for the people that can't do anything about it due to genetics or other disabilities but that is not the case for 75% of the obese population. Most people are just freakin lazy and don't want to work at keeping good health.

some fatty fat fatters have genetic disorders that cause them to be fat. fat.

yeah its there own fault but not all people can control there metabolism

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