Has anyone talked to a dead person they knew in a dream? Anyone had a dream tha!

I had this experience and in that dream i was told many true things i didnt otherwise know.
ive had similar experiences, quite often actually. though the people in my dreams were ghosts, they were not people i had known.
it sounds like someone is trying to tell u something (if u believe in dreams that is). ive seen ghosts when i was not asleep as well and it seems as though these things happen for a reason, b/c as u know not everyone has the power to see them, and if they choose to be seen it is for a reason, so keep an eye out for anything unusual or anything related to what they tell u in the dreams, maybe there is something u need to know.
ive talked to a fortune teller once who told me that seeing ghosts in your dreams could be a bad omen, but it could also be because they r trying to contact u and know that if they were to appear to you when u were awake it may disturb u too much, so they choose this less confronting medium to contact you.
you decide, just think about it and what possible things this could mean. this could be a very interesting experience for you.
good luck

Other Answers:
i lost my son in 96 he was 2.5. I saw and talked to him about three years ago. Out of the blue one night. I am not known to sleepwalk or any of that. He basically told me that it was time to move on and get on with my life.

according to the greek dream explanation that means that they want something from u.When he-she (dead)gets something from u that means death of a person u know.

my dreams come true ALOT!! or ill get a really strong feeling about somethn and then it happens! my family and friends think im weird but i think its kinda cool! we should talk more bout this!!email me if u can

It was veyr starnge one night i had a veyr relaistic dream of my grandfather being in my house and I sta down in his lap on a sofa in my art room and he read to me goodnight mooon. The next day I told my mom abotu it just beign it was such an odd day. Then she was writing a chekc and she realized it was his birthday that day and I was looking at her childhood photo album that same day and found a picture of my grandfather iwth my mom on his lap reading goodnight moon.

I've had dreams come true! Two of my cats got out and disappeared. I couldn't find them anywhere. One night, six days later, I dreamed that one was dead and one would come back. Next day, one did come back.

My mother talked to her mother in a dream and her mother was telling her that my moms sisters car was getting stolen. My mom woke up and called her sister and told her and her sisters car WAS infact getting stolen.

last week i had a dream that my mom's boyfriend would get fired 2 days in a row, and after the 2nd day he lost his job, there's a book called Conversations with God that talks about that kind of stuff

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