Wats a good idea 4 a 1st tatoo&were shood i get it?!

Wat kind
Were shood it be?
A good idea is not to get a tattoo at all!

Other Answers:
chinese symbol on your ankle

Lower Back

Think long and hard before you do it, all I can say is HEPATITIS C! It's easy to get in that world, no matter what, human error is always a factor and as long as there is that virus, there will be that chance. Why don't you be different and not get anything, you can still express yourself w/a clean body too. You know how many people are having tattoos removed these days.things change, permanent marks don't always.

have it designed just or you, something that now one else could have. And put it where you could alsways cover it

i think you first tatoo should be something that really sybolizes all that you are and put it were you can't hide it.

If you decide to get it. I recommend that you put it in a place that you can hide it. You never know what king of job you will have in the future. You don't want to be judge because of it. Just make sure it is something you really want. I have thought about getting one, but I can never decide on what I want and plus I change me mind to much to be satisfied.

I was wanting a tattoo also. What u want and where to get it is up to what u are interested in.
If you want a big tattoo the best place is your back because the tattoo can be bigger and can have more details. Smaller tattoos look better on your ankle, lower back, or your arm.
I got some emails. If u give me your email address I will give u the emails from the tattoo sites.

DO not get any names..except your own.that was the first thing i was told about tatoos.If you arent really confident on what the tatoo will look like as the end product then you should get it in a place where you can hide it..like a shoulder or the leg or back.As for a picture.smaller ones sometimes look better then larger tatoos.depending on your own perceived and ideas!!


Getting your first tattoo is a big deal. Definitely think about for a bit and make absolutely sure you want to get one. And yes I would definitely put it some where you can hide it because you may have regrets after the fact, and from personal experience, don't get anything large. I got a purple heart with a banner around it which has my first child's name in it and I do wish I had gotten it in a different spot. And make sure you do your research as to where you go to have the tattoo done, talk to your friends, family, anyone you know with a tattoo. Compare pricing and quality: these things can make or break you and your tattoo. And the only other thing I can recommend is be very careful: once you get one and like it 2 mths later (if that) you will want another one. I've gotten 7 in the past 11 yrs and I would have more if $ allowed it. But on the whole tattoos are wicked cool so have fun.

------cut on dotted line--------

on your neck

on your lower / upper back that way if you regret it you wont have to see it everyday and if you love it you can flash it off with some low rise jeans or strapless top - glad to c u r thinking seriously about this as they last forever .

on your forehead


Hepatitis C is caused either from a transfer, or a needle.

your name- lower back above your booty with some vines and roses

some kind of animal you like on the ankle.maybe a parrot on shoulder.maybe a butterfly above breast..check the tattoo parlor,they have many photos of tat's

Ask friends with tattoos. They will tell you the best place.

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