What the schizophrenia is? Is there any limit for a schizophrenic man's fantasie!

schizophrenia is one of the worst mental illness and probably it is the worst mental illness. I have heard that they hear voices and see the things which doesn't exist. I have also heard that they can be anything, anywhere in their mind.
when a persons brain function namely the neurons have one or more problems recieving or releasing a specific neurotransmitter. Dopamine
in improper amounts, to many receptor sites for the dopamine, or possibly the receptor sites are to sensitive. Often times doctors while prescribe a dopamine agonist medicine to block some of the receptor sites. I know from first hand experience that the voices and the hallucinations are sometimes terrifying and always interfere with any normal living. Meds are the only real partial cure.

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i thought it was multiple personalities..real different people sharing the same body..like any disease, some have a more extreme experience than others..some are mildly schizophrenic.

No, multiple personality disorder is not schizophrenia, it's more rare and easier to treat. Shizophrenia is now treated more easily by drugs, the problem is getting the patients to believe they need the meds and take them. They often hear voices and see hallucinations. Many of the homeless people you see today were kicked out of state and county facilities in the 70's by people who thought they were doing them and society-taxpayers-a favor.

Not true I am suspected to have a child or some sort of mild version but no I can be anything I want to be with treatment and medicine I can be better from it so much it will seem like I am cured. It is not the worst the worst I would say is Autism because o the mental, emotional, and physical health impacts of it and how hard it is to treat and get better of it. Schizophrenia is a little more easier to fix and not as impacting on your life as others like Autism. Bipolar seems pretty bad to and Depression/Anxiety. Yes the voices are quite scary they will sometimes never stop for a while and as well as the other problems but I say Schizophrenics are not as affected as other disorders.

it is terrible and all those things, but be careful in not judging, because these days doctors are quick to give out a diagnosis which isnt even close to the truth .

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