What is the best way for a male to get a flat ripped stomach, without spending m!

I dont want to spend money on a gym membership or on any machines, i just want to know the best way to get abs.
Yes Abs are made in the kitchen. You have to eat really clean in order to see them. Continue to do ab work, really anything will work, but you don't have to spend hours on them a week. Cardio helps but you also don't have to do a ton of cardio to make a difference. The more cardio you do the more efficient your body will become at doing this and it will stop burning the fat after so long. Your best cardio workouts are HIIT (high intensity interval training). Usually done on a treadmill, you can do these as hill training or flat. There are so many combinations to try but you basically warm up for 5 minutes, then choose how you want to do your intervals. I like the 30 sec all out sprint, then 60 sec jog, continue to do this for 15-20 minutes. You can do the 20/40 as well. This is more effective than steady state cardio. HIIT should only be done 2-3x's a week depending on your weight training. Don't do HIIT on the same day you work out legs, do them on a separate day by themselves. You can also do this outside on a track. Anyway, bottom line, ABS ARE MADE IN THE KITCHEN-no junk, processed food :)--good luck

Other Answers:

Okay. You need to lose the layer of fat that covers your abs. So exercise and diet. Running is good for losing fat.

Hi, the best way of gaining a flat stomach is of course exercising(sit-ups), but walking or running is also good, but still itll take a long time to burn off the fat , so u have to exersice every day, or at least 4 times a week.
OR u can get a Sauna Belt.

Good luck

You need to do alot of cardiovascular work to get rid of the fat. Sit-ups and crunches and what not only builds muscle under the fat. In order for the abdominals to be seen the layer of fat covering them needs to be burned off.
I am a certified personal trainer.

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