my tongue hurts. one of the taste buds on the tip is swollen and the pain is get!

maybe i bit the tip when i was sleeping or something, but on the tip of my tongue i have a swollen taste bud. should i pop it or what? it's only getting worse by the hour.
Gee, I can imagine how uncomfortable that is. That's happened to me in the past and it's a horrible experience. Unfortunately, I didn't get any assistance where that was concerned. I waited a day or two and it eventually went away on it's own.

Hope it gets better soon:)

Other Answers:
sorry nothing you can do it will feel better in a couple days EAT SOME ICE CREAM MMMMMMMn!

put anbysel on it

it's probably an ulcer on your tongue. i get them. it'll probably be gone by tomorrow. in the meantime, use a chloroseptic spray to numb the pain

suck on an ice cube, ice pop or similar
it should help reduce the swelling also

You have to let it heal. Avoid spicy foods and sour candy (like Shock Tarts), these foods are the most common source of swollen taste buds. Perhaps to soothe the pain, you could suck on an ice cube.

Go to a doctor. Swelling on the tongue is not good - too much can result in difficulty eating. It may be as you say, a nip, or it may be an allergic reaction or something imbedded in it.

Go to the 24-hour medical care facility. Call your family doctor. No, do not pop it. Have it seen by a professional.

bite it off. It hurts for aminute, but then feels all better. I swear, not a machocist or anything, just have had this happen.

Don't use that bud for a couple of days and get plenty of rest.

you need to get some arm and hammer baking soda and put just a little bit on your tongue for about 30 sec. yes i know the stuff tasts like **** but i promise you that it works! then rinse mouth out!

Don't pop it! please!♥

Don't worry about it'll go away in a few days. That happens to me once in a while when I eat to much salty stuff.

put ice on it...

nothing, I know the feeling, hurts like a mofo, just wait for it to get better!

It sounds like a canker sore.I get those sometimes.You can get some medicine for it.Go to a local drug store and ask for canker sore medicine.Try it,it works.

I don't think you will be able to tolerate the pain or want the bleeding if you manage to "pop" it.. They don't "pop". Its not a pimple. Its actually a taste of the most sensitive areas of your body. Probably got that way from something you ate. I used to get them from too much salt. Suck some ice..that works for lessens the pain until it gets back to normal.

gargle with warm salt water

it sounds like a canker. You'll just have to deal with it. Avoid salty/sour/acidic foods.

There is a remedy I've heard of, but never tried. Apply a small amount of hydrogen peroxide to the sore (dilute it 1 part water, 1 part peroxide.) Anyway, just dab the sore with it on a q-tip. Then, 3-4 times per day use a clean q-tip to dab it with milk of magnesia.

Everyone gets them, but have you noticed that when you play with it with your tongue, it hurts, but kinda feels good??

That happens to me a lot when I eat sour candy.But I also bight my tongue alot in my sleep.I wouldn't pop it.Mine usually goes away over night.

Your mouth heals very quickly.Don't worry about it.

It's probably a dying taste bud. Leave it be (or suck on a popsicle for comfort) and it will eventually fall off and you will never know it. pain will go away, and all will be well!

no don't pop it can cause you more problems see your doctor or get some biotin its a toothpaste and you can get mouth wash also it heals sores in cancer people mouth good luck you get at drug store

that happen a lot when I was little so this is what my mommy had me do, 1.) rise my mouth out with warm salt mouth-wash/hydrogen peroxide water (don't swallow!) or 2.) there is a new product by Crest I believe and it is an oral cleanser for cuts and sores in the mouth. Oh one more thing what ever you do DON'T POP IT!! it can lead to infection and you really don't want that.

This has happened to me before and there isn't much you can do unless you numb it.

If you decide to numb it look into something people use with braces.

Terribly sorry, and good luck!

Well it can be a cold sore it may sound weird but it is. anyway rube it with a lemon then put some baking soda on it later like about half an hour later rinse your mouth with some hydrogen peroxide water (it comes in a brown bottle it is usually sold next to the alcohol) it might taste bad but it helps.

bite it off

What you have is called a fibroma. It is indeed caused by some sort of trauma to the tongue. It can be from biting it, or it can be some something tiny like chewing a sharp food and cutting it. You can pop it and get relief. However, if it comes back then you need to see an ENT doctor and have it removed. Tales about 5 minutes and dosen't really hurt afterwards. Don't worry, it is more of a annoyance than a problem
An ENT nurse

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