what are some very good execercises to do to lose weight?!


Lift weights (they don't have to be too heavy), walk 30 minutes a day, walk up and down stairs 15 minutes a day and, if possible, swim. Good luck.

Other Answers:
Richard Simmons works!

Give your arms a rest and stop shoveling food into your mouth. Then exercise your legs. Go for a 5 mile walk. Yes, I said 5 miles. My wife and I do that almost 3 times a week (weather permitting).

I invested in a treadmill. I lost 10 pounds in 3 weeks just walking for 35min a day.

lemon squisers

Aerobics or water aerobics.

believe it or not walking is the best exercise you can do. it builds up great leg muscles and if you do it daily you'll lose a lot of weight

jumping jacks they're easy to do and they increase your blood flow to help you lose weight

Any exercise will help you lose weight. I prefer doing things I like rather than focusing on a specific exercise (boring & takes too long). Try playing some basketball or tennis, anything that keep you moving without you thinking about it.

If you must hit the gym then I'd recommend weights, cardio is okay but I prefer weights any day.

Run or bike ride or walk at a fast pace.change diet and drink 8 to 12 glasses of water a day. Don't eat sweets and don't drink soda's..LAY OFF FAST FOOD! Very bad for you.including Subway.they have large amounts of sodium.you want to stay away from a lot of that in the summertime. And you should loose about 12 or 20 pounds K..Hopefully I helped!

Ediets.com have good advice on weight loss. Exercise and diet.

any sort of aerobic exercise. brisk walking, running, swimming, dancing, cycling etc. to lose weight, u need to eat a healthy diet and get plenty of exercise. start with 20 mins, 3 times a week and build up from that. good luck!

Cardio and Weight Training.

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