what is the best way to loose waight and eat all what u want ?!


it doesn't work that way, sorry.

Other Answers:
eat all you want, but dont swallow..

only swallow enough to supress your appetite,,, and stuff as much as you like into your mouth, chew,,,,and spit..

Atkins Diet..no carb but stuff yourself silly..I lost 20lb in 5 weeks.

Burn of any calories you over intake and do sit ups, run,green tea.look up how many calories your height and build is allowed a day just burn off over calories on a tr ed mill.

If you eat vegetables, yes. And, fortunately, vegetables are delicious. You can have as many as you want!

exercise like lance amrstrong or those triathlon winners

Loose weight and eat all you want?

Are you ok? You obviously can't do it! BE SAFE U! Just do simple workouts and then slowly go into more advanced work outs bloody bloody blah blah

You can eat all you want and still lose weight, if you stand naked in front of a mirror while you're eating.

see i think one way can be to drink lot of water.Have atleast a litre of water a day.Try drinking 4 glasses empty stomach.It will wash away toxins n improve blood circulation in motion flow.it will also clear any marks n freckles that u have..Within 1 mnth u will see results.ur metabolism will increase
personal knowledge

eat less carbo & drink 12 up glass of water a day

The best way to lose weight is to exercise regularly (2-3 times a week, each time 15-30 minutes) and eat food that are not high in carb.

If you want to eat all you want then you can do so, but eat slowly. Your stomach will start to digest and send the signal to your brain saying that it's 'full'. When this happens, you will feel full and eat less than normal.

Another way to lose weight is to have more stress (who want this anyway) in your daily life and sleep late at night.

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