My blood pressure is still high I am on Toprol XL 100mg and Lotrel 5/20?!

I'm 37 also have high cholesterol family history of HBP.and heart disease. I would like to change medicines a nurse said Diovan may help or better than what I'm on now.I'm overweight but have cut back on diet and salt. Do I change medicines or should I stop them and use natural means? Does the breathing machine RESPeRATE really lower blood pressure?
DO NOT STOP TAKING YOUR MEDS..I REPEAT, DO NOT STOP YOUR MEDS!! Talk to your doctor about this because this is too serious for If you don't get your BP under control you might end up on hemodialysis, having a heart attack or stroke, or dead.
Also, continue to try to get your weight and cholesterol down by cutting back on fats and cholesterol rich foods in your diet, increase your fiber intake, & sodium restriction. There is a lot of fat in anything that comes from an animal, such as meat,(limit red meat, eat leaner cuts, eat turkey, chicken or fish),dairy (cheese,ice cream, butter etc) eggs(only one egg yolk weekly. I use Egg Beaters, they're very good). Obviously you want to avoid high sodium foods, like canned or processed/preserved foods(sandwich meats etc).Eat more fresh vegetables, especially leafy green ones, and eat fresh fruit everyday because they have a lot of fiber. My favorite is mango, they're very high in fiber. Fiber isn't digested by the body and it stays in the gut longer, therefore making us feel full longer and we eat less and lose weight. Walk briskly at least 3 times a week for 20 minutes.
Again, please don't stop taking your BP meds. I can't tell you how many times a patient at the dialysis clinic has told me, "My doctor told me high blood pressure could destroy my kidneys but I didn't think it could happen to me." It's so sad. If what I said doesn't encourage, just go by and visit at the kidney dialyis center.
Hope this info helped. Take care, God bless.

Other Answers:
do not stop your medicines.taking on a more relaxed life will help you to lower your, exercise are also important and WILL help if you actually do them DAILY. stopping your meds may lead to heart attack or stroke.
my medical school

I wouldn't stop taking the medicine until you consult your physician. Your doctor probably has a goal set for you, which is usually a 30% reduction from your non-medicated BP. You and your doctor just need to find out what works best for you.

I would start taking 2 tablespoons of organic apple cider vinegar with a glass of water twice a day and also take garlic and cayenne everyday. Also you need to drink a lot of water every day.
Works for me.

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