wat is this yelowish substance forming around my vagina hole? it's thick like co!


It could be a yeast infection or BV - Bacterial Vaginosis. Go to your nearest OBGyn for further analysis

Other Answers:
It sounds like a yeast infection, but you should see a doctor to be sure.

See your dr. Could just be a yeast infection, or something worse like an std. See your dr asap.

You have an infection. See your doctor.

Chances are, its a yeast infection. Those are sure sign symtpoms. You can either buy something from store or go to your doctor and he can give you a pill that can help.

Wow, thanks for sharing that! My guess is a yeast infection.

yeast infection, never had one but sounds like one to me

haha, you said vagina hole!!


Too much information.go to the doctor!

Go to see your doctor

My guess would be a yeast infection. There are over the counter remedies but you should definitely see your doctor to make sure that that's what you have.

it can be many things it can be an std or yeast infecton or you dont clean your vaginal area enough

Define smelling bad. I mean, is it offensive or does it just not smell like flowers? Smegma is the term used for a cheese like substance that forms in and around the clitoris and the creases and folds of your vagina. It's sebaceous, meaning that it's from sweat. If it really does smell offensive and you have normally good hygiene, then contact your GYN.

Could be bacterial vaginosis.

Could be the thrush, yeast infection.

if you are sexually active (And my guess is you are) I'd go and get myself to the clinic.

Well, it sounds like it could either be a yeast infection or bacterial vaginosis.

While yeast infections can be very cottage cheese like, it usually has a mild odor.

Bacterial Vaginoisis can look like cottage cheese as well, but it has a strong musty or fishy odor.

Both are common in women and are treatable by prescription.

Hope that helps!
http://www.wdxcyber.com/dxvag002.htm (Bacterial Vaginoisis)
http://womenshealth.about.com/cs/yeastinfections/a/symptvagyeastin.htm (Yeast Infections)

could be a yeast infection.

eeewwww sounds like an STD Go to see your doctor..NASTY

It sounds like a yeast infection. If something is wrong with you then please get it checked out immediately. You may be endangering your life one day.

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