whats a good diet?!


I've started my own diet. The best way to lose weight is to figure out what you eat too much of and cut it out.
For me it was butter and fried foods. I cut out anything fried, butter/margrine, pop, and alfredo sauce. I've only been doing it for a couple of weeks and I've lost five pounds. If you eat too much candy, cut out sugar.
I hope that helps. :)

Other Answers:
South Beach Diet

Lots of fresh vege, brocolli, fruits, pure water.

good breakfast;a combination of fruits,milk and proteins;and a small lunch combined with a moderate dinner;have fruits a lot and drink lots of water.

Dont go for any of the fad diets like atkins or south beach, they hurt you in the long run. Just try to watch what you eat. I personally try to keep calories down and i dont drink soda. Try to stay within the 1600-2000 Calorie range and drink milk or water before meals (you wont be as hungry)
I lost 15 pounds in 8 weeks doing that. I hope you decide to do it (and i hope it works for you)

I have a system you might be interested in. Although it isn't a diet. It is a nutritional system that gives your body all the nutrients we cant get from the foods we have available. Weight gain is a symptom of poor nutrition. So this system combines the right amount of daily nutrients along with healthy products to curb your appetite. No harmful ephedrine or anything that can be detrimental to your health. Just safe and healthy supplements and nutrients that can help you lose weight. Also help you maintain your optimal weight indefinitely. For more information on this system and how to get it. please contact me at meshelle2kz@netzero.net

macrobiotics is hard but works and is healthy
raw foods is good but less quick
exercise a lot

A very good diet is drinking a glass of water before each meal. You'll be amazed by how much less you eat. Also, try finding healthy foods that you enjoy eating. The best diet is a diet that's not considered a diet at all. It has to be "a way of living". I've had great success just cutting out soda as well. I haven't had any all year. It's healthier to drink water, or juice. Gatorade is good too. Oh, and potatoes are bad for you! Stay away from breads and stuff like that. You can have them, but just not as often. Exercising is good, of course.. but not everyone has time to exercise. If you can, try doing some sit-ups every night before bed time. Make it a challenge. See how many you can do each night. The more sit-ups you do AFTER you start to feel the pain, the better. All those extra sit-ups will help a lot. Most important, don't get discouraged. You owe it to yourself to be as healthy as possible. Your body will thank you in the end. Good luck!
Personal experience.

A balanced diet comprising of vitamins, minerals and proteins in the proportionate quantity is the key to a healthy skin. Eating habits have a direct effect on health of the skin and hence it is utmost important that balanced diet is consumed

Vegetarian diet per day should b:
Milk - 300 ml.
Dal, well cooked - 45 gms.
Cereal - 180 - 200 gms.
Vegetables - 400 - 500 gms.
Fruit - 2
Vegetable juices - 150 ml.
Butter / vegetable oil - 20 gms.
Sugar - 20 - 25 gms.

For Non - Vegetarian diet:
Milk - 300 ml.
Egg/ Meat / Fish / Poultry - 75 - 100 gms.
Dal - 15 gms.
Cereals - 180 - 200 gms.
Vegetables - 400 - 500 gms.
Fruit - 2
Vegetable Juices - 150 ml.
Butter / vegetable oil - 20 gms.
Sugar - 20 - 25 gms.
some diet magazine

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