Are bladder infections painful?!

Are bladder infections painful?
a kick to the mouth feels better

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YES! VERY! Try undiluted cranberry juice. And lots of it!

Yes they can be very painful. Cranberry juice can help. Also you need to get to the doctor and get some medicine and find out what is causing it get some antibiotics.

Very Very Painful

You betcha. Very much so. I hate them. If you always drink plenty, you're less likely to get one, but I've had many bladder infections in my life because I'm never thirsty and always forget to drink enough.

very painful , you feel like your pissing razor blades .

yes, see your doctor!

yes they can be, but also can go on without pain and cause kidney infections. If your not sure and don't want to go to the doctor, try over the counter AVO first before paying a high doctor bill and perscriptions. They have different kinds but anytime I feel like I am starting to have a UTI (urinary tract infection) I usually get the AVO cranberry or drink lots of cranberry juice, whichever you may prefer.

I just realized that it is called AZO not AVO. Good Luck. I know your pain.

When they start they aren't to bad but left untreated they can get very painful you need to go to your doctor and get some antibiotics and drink plenty of cranberry juice (the pure stuff not from concentrate). Hope this helps.

they can b, or you feel like you need a wee all the time, plenty of water or cranberry juice works.

They can be very painful. Drink cranberry juice but make sure it's pure cranberry juice, not 10% juice and 90% water. You need to get antibiotics from your doctor also. The cranberry juice is more of a preventative than a cure.

Cranberry juice is good to prevent an infection but it will NOT CURE one. If you haven't had a bladder infection/UTI before, or if you're not sure what you may have, definately call your doc! Drinking Cranberry juice once the infection takes hold may make you feel a little better, but you can bet that it will only get worse without meds. If money (or the lack of it!) is keeping you from seeing your doc, call them anyway & tell them that. Very likely there is another way to handle the problem that would cost less. The sooner you get this dealt with the better!! You don't want to land in the hospital for something that you could have taken care of w/ a simple phone call!



Have you ever peed out razors before? Well that's about what it feels like. Not a pleasant feeling in any way, shape or form!!
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