Has any body any information on hand on health care for back pain relief?!


motrin, heat packs, ice packs and u could go to the chiropractor. but remember dry heat is bad for ur back bone so heat up a damp clothe in the microwave and then always use ice after. hope u feel better! i have terrible back problems too.

Other Answers:
Seeing a pain specialist will help ease the symptoms.

A combination of medication and specific exercise is helpful.

Wow! There could be a million answers, and a million more questions!! Is it pain in the center of your back(i.e. spine)? Is it muscular? Do you have a history of back pain, or trauma? upper back? middle back? lower back? There's a different healthy regimen for any number of problems. Your best bet is to look on a health post. Try Yahoo! Health, and find the answers by describing your pain, specifically.
"The back book"

My doctor has me practicing good posture for my back pain. She says to imagine a point on the base of my skull and a point on my tailbone. Then I try to elongate the distance between them. When you do it nright, your chin should drop a little. Try to always sit with both feet touching the ground and to stand whith your weight evenly distributed over both feet. It takes practice, but it takes a lot of strain off the back.

Maybe you could visit a doctor to look for specific treatments.

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