I have an ear ache. What can I do to get rid of it?!


I understand- my left ear drum burst last week due to an ear ache- Some reliefe talke te following
IBprofin (reduce swelling)
Decongestant ( helps open Estesian tube to drain)
(anti biotic may be needed if it gets worse but not always the case)
Warm pack easy to make if you dont have one (old misc. sock - fill with rice, tie end of sock, heat for 45 sec, apply to ear as needed

Dont get water in the ear

hopefully that helps good luck

Other Answers:
Swap seats with your wife..

go to the doctor

Oooh, I hate earaches! Sometimes the only thing you can do is go to your doctor and get an antibiotic. It depends on what is causing your ear ache.

It could be an infection, or it could be just a little pressure. Or even what they call swimmers ear which is just a middle ear infection which can be cured by over the counter drops.

If the pain doesn't go away in a few hours, or you have a fever you should see a doctor.

There are home-remedies but you shouldn't really try them because you could rupture your eardrum if you wait to long. Not a pleasent thing to happen. Trust me, that happened to me a couple of times because I'm stubborn!! lol

Believe it or not I had one a while ago and I used 3 drops of hydrogen peroxide in affected ear (I believe it was the 3% solution) and it worked wonderfully. I did it 3 times a day for 3 days and I was fine. I checked with my friend who is a nurse before I did it and she said it wouldn't be harmful as it would just kill bacteria. I got this info from a natural-path website and it's a very cheap remedy.

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