i want to know what is tennis elbo?!


I hope you know now but never have to feel it.It is a pain in the as.You have it for life and when it flairs up it takes weeks to go away.An elbow brace is the best way to protect yourself if you have it.It is an inflammation of the tendons in your forearm and elbow also known as tendinitis.I have had it in both arms for more then twenty years.

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"What is tennis elbow?

“Tennis elbow” is a term that describes soreness or pain on the outer (lateral) part of the elbow. While tennis elbow is common, playing tennis is only one of many activities that can result in this tendon injury. Also called lateral epicondylitis, tennis elbow occurs when there is tendon damage at the elbow where some of the forearm and hand muscles connect to the upper arm bone. It affects the muscles you use when extending your wrist and fingers."

It's a tendonitis.inflammation of the tendon in the elbow. you don't have to play tennis to get tennis elbow.

Inflammation of the tendons.

That should be tennis elbow

Tennis elbow, or lateral epicondylitis, is the most common injury in patients seeking medical attention with the complaint of elbow pain. Exactly what causes tennis elbow is unknown, but it is thought to be due to small tears of the tendons that attach the muscles of the forearm to the arm bone at the elbow joint.
The muscle group involved, the wrist extensors, function to **** the wrist back. Specifically, the extensor carpi radialis brevis, has been implicated in causing the symptoms of tennis elbow.

it's usually from repetitive supination (turning the wrist outward)

It is an Inflammation of the cartilage in your elbow caused by an injury to the elbow ( jut bumping it hard can do it)and with this nature forms a sac of water at the joint to ward off injury to the joint and this causes swelling in that joint and exreme pain.

Tennis Elbow is a problem you get in your elboe's mechanics; most common when you play tennis. It's a situation in which you feel soreness in your elbo area. Fortunally it cures by itself but if you continue to hit and it hurts stop hitting for a while. This very monent I'm suffering from tennis elbo, but it's not the fist time. For more information and tips e-mail me at blue_swordwarrior_2@yahoo.com

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