What is your IQ and EQ?!

My IQ and EQ are both 118. Is this good? What is average IQ and EQ of a normal person?
Over 140 - Genius or near genius

120 - 140 - Very superior intelligence

110 - 119 - Superior intelligence

90 - 109 - Normal or average intelligence

80 - 89 - Dullness

70 - 79 - Borderline deficiency

Under 70 - Definite feeble-mindedness

Other Answers:
Mine is 192 and 43

Where did you find out that number? If it was from an online test than it's total BS. And I'm pretty sure there are no real tests to measure "EQ" anyway. At any rate, average is, by definition, exacly 100, so 118 is above average. The standard deviation is usually around 10-15, so 118 is enough above average to count as above, but it's not insanely above.

Since you asked, my IQ last I checked (when I was about 8) was somewhere in the 130s, I think, but that doesn't really mean a whole lot.

My IQ is 173..I have no idea what my EQ is, but it's probably very low! I have no social skills.

My IQ is 148
but really it's just a number
don't you think

My IQ is 150, the same as Madonna. I've never checked my EQ

Wow, lot of super geniuses apparently. :/ Internet tests are not accurate in the slightest. You must take the Stanford-Binet IQ test for a "real" number of your IQ.

To the person with 192, you're smarter than Sir Issac Newton, Ben Franklin, Henry Ford, Thomas Jefferson. No offense, but I find that hard to believe. You would have made all the papers worldwide.

The smartest man I've ever known was my late father. He had an IQ of 162, and he taught mathematics at MIT. He had the highest IQ of anyone I've ever personally known, and I've hung out with an amazing amount of brilliant people. My IQ is 141, but I come from two genius parents. I've never lived up to my potential and I know it.

100 is average (normal) for a human being.

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