For those of you who have suffered through depression..I have a question.?!

I was diagnosed with depression about 2 months ago, but have had it at least 6 months now. I am also in my 9th month of pregnancy- to make hormonal matters worse. I was wondering if anyone had intrusive thoughts about your spouse (whomever) not loving you. It feels like it runs through my head every day, although there are no real "signs" of his loss of love. Sometimes, it's hard to decipher certain reasons for situations when I'm plagued with the thought that he doesn't love me anymore. So sometimes, like right now, I'm beginning to believe it and I'm not sure if it's justified. Has anyone else ever dealt with this??
yea alot of people have .i have been suffering from depression for quite a few years now and i have felt like that about everyone in my life ..through 2 pregnancies and a whole lot of depression. i honestly believe it is because you figure (as i do) if you don't love yourself how can anyone else love you .its gonna be hard but for the most part and to help you get over feeling this way you HAVE to i repeat HAVE to learn to love yourself

Other Answers:
Well by what I can sense, your ability to feel his love is diminished by your depressive thoughts. Give it some time, and keep busy doing something interesting.

depression and the hormones working on you there..your body is out of normal scopes..take a deep breath and relax.I am sure you S.O. loves you even have helped him create another life..and that is the most beautiful shared blessing.good luck

it is totally normal..chill. remember who u are nd be yourself again.u er no1.

I've had depression. I'm not exactly in your situation. You seem like a very good person. I hope you're patient with things and try to think positive as much as you can.

yes. when you are depressed/pregnant your hormones are screwed up and it affects your brain. You can have very intrusive thoughts or fears that you know are unreasonable, but you can't stop them.

I hope that you have told someone about these thoughts. You will need help after the baby is born. Don't listen to TOm partum depression is a real thing and you will need meds and a lot of help to get through it.

Good luck.

Many pregnant women (depressed or not) start feeling as though their spouse is losing interest. They feel awful, feel they look terrible, and self-esteem is low during late pregnancy.

My mom was allowed to take antidepressants throughout 3 of her pregnancies - and everyone came out fine. I'm not recommending that, but would talk to the doctor.

Feel better, and hope that baby comes really soon!

Yep . everything but the pregnancy!

But I bet there is a new love in his life . and it's growing inside of you!! And that's a beautiful thing!

Talk with him. Let him know you love him more than anything, but you're feeling very insecure and scared and that you'd appreciate a little more attention. Also since these are the last few weeks you get together before everything changes tell him how much you need to spend time with him.

He can't read your mind - you have to let him know how you feel and possibly even let him know how you need him to treat you.

Good Luck to you and your family!

Yes your just going through the I,M fat,undesirable, icky phases of being pregnant, it will pass once you hold your beautiful baby.& Your husband sees what you have given him.
good luck it will pass.

Yes, and he was cheating on me.
Always go for your gut instinct.
I thought it was just hormonal, but now I know to trust myself.
Of course, that was only my situation, and everyone is different.
What about couples therapy? If you don't feel loved, maybe you should seek help together. : )
Good Luck!

Your body goes through a lot of changes when you are pregnant. If I understand you correctly this problem started since you conceived, so its probably hormones or something causing you to be oversensitive. If you don't see any signs of your husband love lessening for you, then his feelings are probably the same or possibly even stronger for you now that you are having a baby. Maybe you should talk it out with him or talk to a close friend or family member about your feelings. I really think that once your body has returned to its normal chemical balance you will be okay. Don't be discouraged if this doesn't happen immediately after the baby comes, it may take a few weeks. Also talk to your doctor, I'm sure they have had women with the same problem and can reassure you that everything is going to be just fine. Good luck and God bless.

Every pregnant woman has thought their spouse doesn't love them, they are not attractive anymore & etc. You are thinking of the pregancy all the time - you feel the baby, it does not seem real to him - so he may ignore you or at least seem to. He does not know how to act or what to do.
His love has not changed & it will all be over in another month & everything will seem great except for your lack of sleep. How can something so small make so much noise? Good luck!

In retrospect, I put my husband through WAY more than he deserved. He is a wonderful, patient and family-oriented man but my self-esteem had been so low that I just craved attention from anyone. I am so lucky that I figured it out before I did anything to jeopardiize a fantastic marriage. I couldn't love our girls more, but, BABIES MAKE US CRAZY!! It is so normal that your OB likely has a cupboard stocked with goods that are safe for you baby-ask him, I bet he's heard it so often that he won't even flinch.

at the moment i feel like you aren't that happy with yourself your husband may be picking up on this and feeling a little uncomfortable probley worried about you and that may make you both feel distant . don't need to have any depression medication if you ask me i believe we can all get through anything its all in the mind start looking at life as its a special journey of ups and downs as everyday is new and everyday changes and think of yourself a little more maybe try some yoga go for a walk on the beach and breathe the fresh air smile show your hubby some good loving and kisses and if your happy I'm sure he will be not so tense about everything and neither will you as a pregnant woman its important to be happy in yourself for your baby too they pick up if your stressed RELAX ENJOY AND SMILE THINGS ARE NEVER AS HARD AS THEY SEEM ONCE YOU SLEEP ON THEM!!
my thoughts for you

There is an imbalance of chemicals in your brain that will make you feel this way. The ones responsible for your depression, the ones responsible for your pregnancy. You are getting a double whammy. You might feel like arguing, crying, screaming, you might feel suspicious, jealous of everything, and you might become demanding, abusive, is your body's response to stress. Woman are the most beautiful when they are pregnant and also the most needy. A woman who is needy beyond her control is also lethal lethal and destructive so when you think about lashing out, or attacking your loved one, try to remember that you are beautiful, he's with you because he loves you, and you are a family and no one can take that away from you.
Surround yourself with happy people, it makes a big difference.

I do recommend keeping your mind occupied on external things. At least this is what I know has worked for me. I have had depression throughout my life and have found that as long as I am doing something it stays off. I know that deep down inside there is something missing and I don't know what that is. Keep focus on what can be done until you find what that something missing is.

Your spouse may or may not understand where you are struggling and since he is not a woman there are many things that he will simply never understand. I suggest only that you seek out other women or mothers. It is important to be a part of a community and to keep ties with a multiplicity of different people with differing viewpoints. Sometimes just figuring out where you stand on certain issues can be an occupation of the mind that is rewarding in itself.

Just about everyone I have ever known has gone through one down period or another throughout their life. It would appear to be a subjective fact -- at least according to my perception of the world. Remember it may be your understanding that gets in the way of your happiness at times. If you don't like how things are going sometimes -- change your mind. This may sound like a very simple solution, perhaps too simple; however I have found it true.

Remember your understanding is not reality; It is your understanding of reality. What IS, in truth, may be something very different. That is why it is essential to talk these things out with friends and associates.

I am glad you are asking these questions. It means you are on your way through it.

It sounds like this is your first pregnancy. Depression can happen. Hormones run amuck with all the bodily changes going on. Pregnant women cry over nothing, anything, everything; have doubts, anger, elation, fear, you name it. Let your husband know that you are having a difficult time and ask for his understanding. Let him know that you believe in him but that you have emotions you can't control. And let your doctor know what problems you are having. He/she may be able to help or can lead you to someone who can.

This advice may be late in your may have delivered a healthy baby by now, which is wonderful and will fill your life.more than you ever guessed. Which also brings new problems and perhaps post-partum depression, so don't ignore it if it happens to you. Let your doctor know right away! Get help if you need it. The health of more than yourself is at stake. You can get through this and have a beautiful life enjoying your baby and your husband. It will just take a few months to get back on balance.

Believe me, pregnancy can be a very rewarding experience. The first two months after the baby is born are very taxing. They are work, work, work. But when that third month rolls around and the baby starts smiling almost all the time and cooing and responding to you, you will have lost you heart like never before.

Hang in there. There is help out there, get it and get through this. You can do it.

Been there, done that.

For 6 months I was so fucked up and I was on anti-depressants for awhile but I decided to stop taking them because they didnt work. But I pushed everybody in my life away except for my stepmum. I was telling her I loved her and hugging her like 20 million times every day. I went to councilling later on and got told that that was an anxiety I had that she was going to leave me. So what you are feeling is normal for your state of mind

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