what kind of mental disorder doese she have??how can we make her stop damagaing!

my niece who is 20 had schizophrinnia at 8 years old ,but she went through variouse tybes of disorder behaviour, she stopped communication,she stopped talking or express herself she crys and scream to make us understand her .doc said that she might be autistic .but she is aware of everything .she is so interested in damagaing everything such as cutting things and breaking furnture . she cant resist taking stickers off she becomes furious if she doesnot alowed to do what she wants.all the familly had so hard life through these 12 years is it passable to know what kind of mental desease she has .and where can we find the right doc for her. why she stopped talking or showing emotional feeling ?please help us how can we make her trust us ?please help?....
I am sorry that you and your family are dealing with this and I am glad that asked this question.

Mental disorders range in severity and usually are not alone, meaning that people usually have more than one. Autism sounds more reasonable mixed with bipolar disorder but this is only a guess. If you haven't taken to a psychiatrist I would suggest one at a university because she definately sounds like someone who needs a thorough exam. I would also look into support groups of other people who have adult children with mental illness, they tend to be helpful when things become more challenging. As to why she stopped talking or showing emotion, that is a type of schizoeffective disorder called catatonia (means they become like statues and move very little).

Other Answers:
Demon possession is probable.

it does sound like autisim

check her medical records right before all this happened.what kind of shots was she given and try and find out the contents of mercury in them.high levels of mercury causes autisim

Hmmm. you got a problem here. If you screw up, she'll hate you (if she doesn't already). If you do this right you will find out with no harm done. I would take her to a docter that specializs in mental disorders, and see if he/she can figure it out

sounds like its more than one thing which isnt uncommon when there is a problem in the brain there are often other problems. there is a thing that is a compulsion to break and cut and the not talking thing is probably not autism there are other things that have that symptom autistics often dont like to be touched and are nonsocial not antisocial. she needs to go to a testing lab the doctors should have already arranged this. so get a new psychologist.

I am wondering if this is what I saw when working in a nursing home. It was a third level inbred adult acting just as you described and they could not speak. She used screams and grunts. It was sad to see and makes you wonder about life. She was taken care of 24/7 by her two sisters who were almost normal.

Sounds like you need to find her another doctor, have her re analyzed.

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