If you lift weights at a certain age will it keep you from growing taller?!


there are no medical journals or magazine or studies that proves weightlifting stops growth.
i have a weightlifter friend who is a national team member. he started at a very young age about 6 six years old. right now at 25 he is tall than his father at 6 feet.

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Nope. You genetics have to do with that. Sorry lift all the wieghts in the world and it will not stop ya from growing.

yes, actually lifting weights stunt your growth to a certain degree. the younger you start with heavy weights, the shorter you will get. but, you can always try lifting not so heavy ones just to tone up your muscles.

No it does not stunt your growth.

No, I've been on a swim team since I was 8. All my teen years, I used to go to the gym to see everyone else on the teamm lift weights since I didn't because I wanted to grow. Everyone who used to lift weights is now tall, I never lifted weights, yet I'm 5'6. It's all genes.

Yes, it does. You really shouldn't lift heavy weights until you are about 16 or 17. Until then, you should do exercises using your body weight for resistance or use light weights with high reps (20-30 reps). Don't be discouraged when you see other people lifting heavy weight. Doing the proper exercises for your body always outweighs the need to be "better" than other people.

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