Whats a good diet for vegatarian?!

I wanna lose some weight and I'd like to go by a good diet. But since I'm a vegatarian so my choices are limeted. Does anyone know of a good diet for veggies?
I'm losing weight using www.sparkpeople.com. They have special information for vegetarians too (and vegans). Its a very realistic goal if you want to lose 1-2 pounds per week AND ITS FREE! For me that was the most important.

Alternatively you can figure out your basal metabolic rate (what your body requires you to function each day ie: breathing, blood circulation, cell function etc) and reduce your calories with diet and burn calories through exercises.

An example:
If your basal metabolic rate (you can estimate it by multiplying your weight x 10) is weight 160pounds x 10 = 1600 calories per day required to keep you alive and functioning. now this amount is if you do absolutely nothing all day.
If you were moderatly active you'd need 13440 calories a week or 1920 calories a day.

with 7000 calorie reduction = two pounds of of fat loss
So reduce the calories by 1000 a day you come up with:

500 calories a day you can reduce foodwise = meaning eat 1420 calories a day

and 500 calories a day through exercise = cardio vascular (biking, hiking,walking etc). you can find out how much a particular activity burns here: www.caloriesperhour.com (you can also get your basal metabolic rate)

Advice: add strength training at least 2 days a week. NO matter how healthy your diet is you will still lose muscle, water and fat with weightloss. Muscle burns fat. The less muscle you have, the less fat your body burns!
Measure weightloss in inches as well as actual weight, since 1lb of fat and 1lb of muscle will look VERY different even if they weigh the same (muscle is more compact and fat is fluffier).

I wish you the best of luck and hope this was helpful.

Other Answers:
A well balanced diet, that includes meat.

Get the Vegetarian Zone Diet. It's fantastic!

A big ol' steak.

Lot's of red meat and pork.

hey e-mail me at : anastasia_limonova@yahoo.com and I will answer all the questions u got. I'm a vegetarian too so I can give you a lot advice, so feel freee to e-mail
good luck! and I support you being vegetarian!

I agree with a balanced diet and am vegetarian for about 15 years. In buddhist vegetarianism, the belief is that color is a marker of what lies inside, so a balanced vegetarian diet includes 5 colors: red (tomatoes), yellow (corn, squash), green (self explanatory), white (tofu, beans), black (shitake mushrooms, seaweed). Protein is the most obvious difficulty. Tofu/soybeans are my biggest source of protein, but other beans, nuts, lentils, and eggs (if not vegan) are good as well. I only really eat tofu of all those - and one serving a day is fine for me. Plant protein can be considered more healthy because for the same amount of animal protein, it contains substantially less fat. It should be noted that all proteins - animal and plant - are made of 20 amino acids. To cover all amino acids in your diet, it's important to eat a variety of protein sources listed above.

For the dieting/losing weight part, if you're already vegetarian, you can't do much more. Eating healthy (ie no junk food), cutting out fat, eating at the same times each day (and normal times), and not eating after 10pm are all things I've heard are healthier for you. The secret to dieting is simple: eat enough calories to sustain a healthy body, and burn off the rest through exercise. "Dieting" in the more popular sense often consists of some version of starvation - maybe not gross starvation, but starving the body of nutrients. This may help you lose weight, but is by no means healthy. Eat healthy foods and mix it up, eat at the right times, no junk foods, and most importantly exercise. This will help you lose the weight. Good luck.
Harvard Public School of Health - Protein
VegWeb: Vegetarian Recipe website that has a number of good healthy recipes

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