best product for cold sores?!

cold sore products
Abreeva - it's expensive but cleared mine up in about 2 days. Have used also when i felt one coming on and it never broke out.

Other Answers:
i use ice, it works for me

rubbing alcohol, then use carmex until it is gone.
i have always had cold sores and that is the only thing that worked for me.

there is a vitamin called lysine. It works best if you take 1000mg in the morning and at night. make sure you have something on your stomache. try to start taking it when you feel the sore starting. take it till its gone. it will dry your lips and the sore out. if you use any chapsticks dont put it on thesore. after thesore is gone dont use that cahpstcik any more and throw away your toothbrush. iv ehad them for most of my adult life and this works weel. if you catch them early before they start they might not even show up on your lip

Abreeva. It costs between 13 and 16 dollars for a small tube but it works! Check web site for coupon.

If you're prone to cold sores: You might reduce your chances of a flare-up if you use lysine on a regular basis along with your daily multivitamins. This amino acid inhibits the growth of the type 1 herpes virus.

Also consider building up your own natural defenses. This can be beneficial especially if you've have other signs of an underfunctioning immune system, such as frequent colds or infections. If this is your situation, try the preventive measure of rotating echinacea, medicinal mushrooms (reishi, shiitake, and/or maitake) and astragalus. Use one herb for a couple of weeks, then shift to the next and then the next and then start again.

If you feel a tingle of a cold sore beginning: Increase the lysine to three times a day (once healing occurs, return to your maintenance dose). In addition, be sure to have some melissa cream handy. Start applying this herbal cream directly to the tingly area at least four times a day.

If you already have a cold sore: Increase the preventive lysine dosage to three times a day, apply the melissa cream, and temporarily add echinacea, vitamin C (with flavonoids), and vitamin A. Although smaller amounts of both of these vitamins are already present in your daily vitamins, we recommend these increased amounts, along with the echinacea, because of their antiviral and immune-stimulating properties.

Herpanacine by Diamond Mind.
Excellent for any skin condition, including acne.

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