What's the best cold, flu and sore throat remedy?!

What's the best cold and sore throat remedy that works fast? Also, is it better to drink cold or warm water when you have a cold? Some people have told me not to drink cold water when I have a sore throat while others say it's alright to drink cold water when I have a sore throat. Please give me suggestions.

Thank you.
Best flu remedy

Laboratory tests show Sambucol® neutralises Common and Avian Flu Virus H5N1
Added: (Thu Jan 19 2006)

New research, carried out by Retroscreen Virology has indicated that
Sambucol®, a patented formula, may fight the virulent Avian Flu virus. Results have been presented yesterday, Wednesday, in a press conference held in the Royal Society of Medicine, London. Speakers included Prof. Hannoun, Emeritus Professor at the Pasteur Institute and Dr. Mumcuoglu, developer of Sambucol®.

Laboratory trials held in a leading research institute, Retroscreen Virology
Ltd, associated with the University of London found Sambucol® to be at least
99% effective against the Avian Flu virus H5N1. Sambucol® was effective at
significantly neutralising the infectivity of the virus in cell cultures. These
results will also be presented during the International Conference on Bird Flu:
“The First Pandemic of the 21st Century. A Central Role for Antivirals”, to be
held at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital on January 19th-20th 2006.

Dr. Madeleine Mumcuoglu, is looking into further investigations into the
activity of Sambucol® against Avian Flu on a wider scale.

In an earlier study (1995) Sambucol® was found to be effective against a wide range of influenza strains. Laboratory studies conducted at the Hebrew
University – Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem demonstrated the activity
of Sambucol® against human, swine, and avian influenza strains.
Sambucol®'s efficacy was also demonstrated in two double blind, placebo
controlled clinical studies. Sambucol® was shown to cut the duration and
severity of the common flu by up to half.


Notes to editors;
Sambucol® is based on an active substance isolated from the black elderberry.
Manufactured by Razei Bar Industries Israel, Sambucol® is available in 17
countries and in the UK is sold in Tesco, leading chemists, independent health
food stores and wholesalers from £8.49.

For photography please visit the following site and enter the log in details:
FTP address: ftp://pixelit.co.il
user name: ftp_razeibar
password: 63+84675

For further press information please contact: Francesca Gaffey/Cheryl Davies,
Communique Public Relations, Waterside, No2 Canal Street, Manchester, M1
3HE. Tel: 0161 242 5120/0161 242 5108 Fax: 0161 228 7391 E-mail:
francesca.gaffey@communiquepr.. cheryl.davies@communiquepr.co..

For research information please visit: Retroscreen Virology Ltd. at:

For product information please visit:
Razei Bar Industries (1996) Ltd. At: www.sambucol.com

Other Answers:
Cold eeze..if you take at the onset of your symptoms it will reduce the duration and severity of your cold. I live by this stuff! You can get it at your local pharmacy. It's kinda expensive, but they usually have coupons in the box.

The best thing for a sore throat is to gargle warm salt water, works an absolute treat. also drink lots of water to flush out the cold.
hope thats helpful.

My favorite is the Theraflu caplets. They help a lot when your sinuses are all stuffed up and your face hurts. It's pretty much for all the symptoms. The only thing I suggest is not to take it on an empty stomach, I did once not on purpose and it made me a bit lightheaded. But that may be because of my size. Probably doesn't do the same to everyone.

try lemsip they come in sachets ,very helpul see the dosage..

take zinc - it accelerates recovery. Stay away from cold meds unless you have an abnormally high fever. Don't want to fry the brain of course. Cold meds interfere with the body's natural healing process by making the immune system sluggish.

Honey and vinegar mixed in a glass of warm water, my mom made me drink that stuff all the time when I ws a kid.yuck, bur it helps

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