red, itchy patches around!!?!


I have been suffering with this dry, red itchiness around both of my eyes for a year now. This sounds like a simple allergy, but let me tell you a bit about the history:

I went to an eye doctor who flipped up my lids to look under. The week after, I had a scab form below by eyebrow-for about four months, it would scab up, fall off, scab up, fall off in the same place. I was scared to go back to that doctor because i didn't want him to touch me again. Doctors are totally baffled. I no longer have my eyes scab and itch in the same spot; now around both eyes it gets beat red and itcy, especially at times two single lines under where the corners of my eyes end. Doctors keep throwing different ointments at me, and the only thing that seems to work is something called Neopolydex do calm down the itchiness. But other than this, its been going on a year now, and nobody, no eye doctor, dermotoligist nobody can tell me what is going on. Help!

Thank you
There are various reasons for this type of rash. Do you have acrylic nails or nail polish? Strangely enough, the skin around the eyes are very sensative and you can get contact dermatitis an "out of the blue" type rash from acrylic or nail polish. Also, there is another thing that can occur if you have dogs or cats, it's called Demodex", a.k.a. "the eyelash parasite." This can cause extreme itchyness, flakiness and puffiness around the lids/eyes.

Either way, you should see your eye doctor because another eye problem called Blepharitis could have occured. Here is the link.

Sounds more like this than anything. Actually the ointment and/or eye drop you need for this type of problem is called TobraDex and you need to get to an Opthamolagist (eye doctor)for the perscription.

good luck to you.

Other Answers:
sounds like allergies

It's probably allergies.
Simple solution:Go to a different doctor and get it looked at.

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