how do u loose weight right be fore summer starts and how can u stop eating so m!

i am having some problems with that and i need to find a way to fix it
Eat more small meals. Your body uses 150 calories to digest food in the stomach. I eat no more than 300 calories at a time. Eat first thing in the morning and then every two hours till you go to bed. These meals should all add up to only about 1500 calories or less. Drink at least 100 oz. of water throughout the day and especially when you eat. I did this and lost 40 lbs. in 4 weeks. And don't weigh yourself for the first 3 weeks. Best wishes

Other Answers:
Okay, apples for some reason fill me up. Also, ICE WATER - it seems to numb the stomach. I don't know much about diet, but I know ribs and ice-cream are bad for it - so change your diet as much as you can. But also, you need to raise you metabolism - so EXERCISE. 40 minutes of cardio is what I do.

You should reserach why french women don't get fat, or try a raw vegan diet.

#1 is to see what kinds of food you are eatting. Keep a journal of every this from breakefeast to night-time. One trick is how much pop/sugur dinks a day your may be injusting. Just one pop a day for 7days is like eating 1-2cups of sugur. Try an apple instead of a candybar midpart of the day. Start snacking on fruits and vegs. Walking is good excercise. Try just five minutes of one active. Best is to turn off the TV and put on a good music Cd. Just start moving and goving with a postive image of your self.

Find out if your problem is calories or carbs.
Check a chart and see how many calories you need for the day.
Than cut the calories in half.After two weeks if you haven't lost ten pounds,go to a low carb diet.50 grams a day.You can eat as much as you want on this diet but you cant exceed 50 grams of carbs.Beef,Chicken,Pork,Fish Celery,Lettuce,Cottage Cheese,Pork Skins,(are you getting the picture)after 2 weeks you should drop at least ten pounds.If not you ll have to get your stomach clamped.You must also drink 6 eight once glasses of water a day on either diet.

Try low carb, like Atkins or south beach. That tends to take your sugar cravings away and make it easier not to snack.

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