is it ok to have sex when u have ur period?!

is it? and how can i know my safe days and not i have regular menstruation i have it every 1st week of the can i know the fertile and safe days so i can know when to have sex the best
You can get pregnant any day of the month. It's not likely to happen during menstruation, but there is no "safe" time.

Other Answers:
It’s okay to have sex during your period, but there are no "safe days" where you can't get pregnant—you can get pregnant any time, even during menstruation. Always use protection.

The best is to use protection. Our body is just so amazing that no one can predict what's gonna happen. But, if you really want to get a better idea about your cycle, here's where you can go.

Why not?!

I'm going to take a guess that you may be a teenager, so here goes. Please consider birth control, it's okay to have sex during your menstral cycle, but you can definately still get pregnant. There's really only about one week out of the month that a woman isn't fertile or cannot really get pregnant. Because there might still be slight discharge after your period that goes unnoticed, and then theres about a few days there before you start getting into the fertile cycle again and the membrane in your uterus become thickened to recieve an egg. And remember, sperm can remain alive in a uterus for up to a week, meaning it is completely possible to get pregnant even if you THINK you are on your safe time. Contraception is the best method, ie a guy should be using a condom (please don't let him talk you out of it other wise) and it will also protect you from Sexually Transmitted Diseases.

of course no one could stop you to have sex during period but is not hygienic. it will cause disease to the male partner and also, injure the female vagina wall.this is because during this period the wall is very delicate.

my advise it dont'.

i used to have sex with my girlfriend when she was on her period, the best way is to do it in the showers. but sometimes it was kinda gross because of the clumps. but the best way is to have protection or birth control.

I agree with Badger, there are no totally safe days but if your boyfriend doesn't mind the mess go ahead and have sex on your it helps with cramps.

Some say a woman is unclean during her period, but a quick splash will make you clean and some feminine wash will give you that freshy smell:) Safe period? 3 days after your period stops and three days before your period begins, but never is there a guarantee, the other days are unsafe:) best still see your gynecologist:)

No it is not ok !
Your period is like the rinse cycle of the vagina
the acidity inside is grater the contact with blood is ovious
besides the fact that contraceptive protection is used, risk for STD is enormous, verry messy and even when you mop your kitchen you dont let anybody walk in until it dries.
wait til it dries too! even if you duche.
emt medical technitian

and u got mad at me for askin my simple lil question? oh man.


can do sex on ur periods.if ur period is 28 days , ur safe periods arein between 1 and 12 and 18 and 28
self experience

yeah..have sex whenever ur on ur period..nothing will happen

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