I am 50 yrs old women.Extreme dryness causes making sex difficult.What should I!


You're fine, you're just going through "the change".

Get some K-Y Jelly or Astroglide. Available at any drug store. And enjoy! ;>

Other Answers:
stop having sex.. lubrication?

Invest in some KY.

ky jelly

There are many options for you now. The best option I would recommend is to go to Condomania.com and purchase personal lubricants. But you can get them at your local drug store as well. "KY Jelly" is a popular drugstore item. But my personal favorite is "Wet" lubricant. And there are many others - Astroglide, etc. Notice you have MANY choices:

Stop and lube that engine with some WET or KY Jelly

Go to your ob/gyn. you may have a hormone problem.

Buy some K-Y jelly, they even got the warmin stuff, guess that's great if ya need it.

For that matter, just go to Spencer's at the mall and buy the warming gel stuff or something in there.

HRT ---> Hormonal Replacement therapy

Lube. Just need two points.

Get a product called "Replens" (hope I spelled it right). It's long-lasting and not scented.

one word.ASTROGLIDE! It's great stuff, I have a one gallon pump dispenser mounted to my headboard. Satisfaction guaranteed, if you know what I mean.;-)

After my wife had our baby she had a problem getting wet and her doctor told her about Organic coconut oil, it's found in the food section of the stores it's safe and really doesn't smell , God Bless it because I wouldn't be having sex with out it>>>>>>>>and god bless her mid wife she told her about it.

try the back door

use a good lubricant

I like the warming jell that you can buy in Walmart or the supermarket. It warms up as you rub it in.

At one time or another all women experience vaginal dryness. Before you feel sore, in pain, and or frustrated with yourself, you should know that normal estrogen fluctuations often cause vaginal dryness. Some women believe that vaginal lubricants are only for women who are not sexually aroused, or who are going through menopause, or if they are not very sexually experienced. Lubricants are for all of those reasons and for masturbating too. Vaginal dryness often occurs during your period, if you are stressed-out, and if you are using a condom with no lubrication! Yes, vaginal dryness can cause painful sexual intercourse. Make sure you are using the right amount of lubrication, especially when using a condom.

Antihistamines and other medication (some antidepressants) can dry out your vagina too.

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