What is the best way to get a flat stomach??!


You can work out your abs as much as you like but you wont see any results unless you have a low fat diet! The abs is the most difficult body part to show. Unfortunately, us, men, have this genetic predispose to store fat on the waist, and that means that all other body parts will show cut, except abs! That is until we lose all the fat we have to. I think that a body fat of 8% allows abs to show defined, even cut. About clear, that depends on what you eat. To be specific, eating too much carbs (or too little protein) will make you retain water and thus the abs will not show that clear. A good bodybuilding diet of 25- 35 % protein and 20%- 30% fat (the rest carbs) will get rid of the extra water and will make the abs to show exactly as you want them. Except that drinking a cup of coffee once a while will help also, since coffee is a natural diuretic.
Check the following site! You will find it extremely helpful!

Other Answers:

Sit-ups and no carbs!

Eat less and excercise.

Stop eating junk food.

Do a lot of cardio exercise and sit ups every day. That should help.

500 sit-ups EVERY night before you go to bed.

sit-ups, and a diet other than junk food


sit-ups no junk food or less calories


Sit-ups, eat less junk food, sometimes yoga. I hope this works for you!


Cut out bread, milk, beer, pasta - drink water and do crunches

Jog around your block at least 3 times a week and do 50 sit-ups each day and stay away from carbs and junk food and brownies. In 1 month you will see fascinating results.
Common sense.

to get a flat stomach, you can do either sit-ups or cruches. but a better way is to do like my brother did, you can buy ab scissors. its a workout gear that helps you get abs. why stop at just getting a flat stomach when you can have abs also!

Monday Wednesday and Friday do 100 sit ups with a 45lb weight on you stomach. Tuesday Thursday and Saturday do 100 crunches. do all that for 10 to 12 weeks and from there you can add more pounds or more reps.

by voting for hilary-2008!

Eat 5 or six small meals a day (half of what you would usually eat during a 3 meal a day) Exercise atleast 30 minutes a day and if you can dont eat after 8pm. Cut out junk food and drink a lot more water instead of softdrinks. If you have to have a cookie eat it with your lunch or early in the day and that will have time to burn off before you go to bed. This will give you a six pack fast. Mens Health magazine has a lot of "gut" workouts and even really good meal suggestions. Manytimes they will have a page that tells you where to eat fast food and what not to eat at a fast food Restaraunt. Cutting calories is the best way to diet not cutting carbs or anything like that because you need all that for a well balanced diet. Also remember to take a multivitamin and if you can dont eat too many potatoes they are really bad for weight loss.

just don't eat. Period!! you'll have a flat stomach in less than 3 days

The best way is definitely crunches.

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