what is the best way to cure halitosis (bad breath) i rinse and brush day and ni!


Some ways to lower your risk of developing halitosis are:

Brush and floss teeth regularly.
Clean and replace your toothbrush regularly.
Avoid mouthwashes with flavorings, dyes, and alcohol.
Avoid stress and seek out ways to relax and resolve stressful conditions in your life.
Get sufficient sunlight, exercise, and sleep.
Avoid spicy foods and those that leave residues or get stuck in the teeth (alcohol, cheese, meat, sweets).
Go on a cleansing or raw food fast to detox your body.
Chew parsley after meals, it is very rich in chlorophyll, a natural mouthwash.

Other Answers:
Use listerine and get a tongue scraper. And drink LOTS of water.

Yeah, I've heard that brushing your tongue is supposed to help too.

A lot of water is the best solution. bad breath is caused by a lack of saliva. Also, brush your tongue.

Maybe chew gum

Have a check-up at the Dentist - You may have something that requires treating which is causing this.

if it still goes on although you brush, it will be probably because of a stomach problem. so i ll suggest you to contact your doctor..

the best way to cure bad breath, mouth freshner is good, home remidy: boil water with cloves then rinse with that get good result.

You may have a medical or dental condition that will require treatment. Ask your dentist or doctor what might be the cause.

Try a tongue scraper and sometimes bad breathe has alot to do with what you re eating and the gasses that come back up later. Sounds like you need to start flossing too..that will make a big difference and also try brushing in the middle of the day. Alot of the time brushing is not enough for people who have periodontal problems, this is caused by plaque build-up that forms below the gum line and can't be removed with regular brushings or even cleanings; what you need is Perio scaling and root planing, also referred to as a deep cleaning sometimes. They will numb you up and clean clean below the gumline to remove that plaque build-up. Good luck!

do you also get strep throat on a regular basis? it could be your tonsils. You may need to see a specialist since the tonsils can appear normal to a family practitioner but be in decay beneith the surface cause the foul odor. See your doctor first.

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