I'm really skinny im 135 no muscle or fat, how can i gain muscle on my chest , a!


Creatine does not build muscle mass, it simply adds water to the muscle. It does enhance some strength parameters but it is not anabolic. It has also been associated with bloating and cramping of the muscles. Creatine is most likely useful only for high-intensity interval anaerobic sports that don't depend on body mass (like volleyball).

For working out, first, weight gain will depend on your age. If you haven't hit puberty yet, you are missing some of the essential hormones needed to bulk up (androgens). Working out will still make you stronger because the nerves learn how to stimulate the muscles better.

To bulk, you want 8-10 reps 3-4 sets for each exercise with 2-3 exercises per body part. Work your core (stomach/back/butt) to improve your lifts. You can use a 2/0/3 tempo, which means 2 seconds pushing the weight up, no pause on top and 3 seconds lowering the weight. The weight should be heavy enough so you tire out between 8 to 10 reps (if you can go to 11 the weight is too light). Make sure you have a spotter, especially if you are just beginning (someone to watch the weights and prevent you from dropping them on yourself). Make sure to only rest 1 minute between sets.

For diet, eat 1.2-1.5g/kg body weight of protein. Don't waste your money on supplements. Just add it to your diet (meat products, soy, whole grains, some vegetables, milk, other dairy, nuts). Watch out for too much fat though, because a lot of protein sources also have fat. Choose leaner meats and fish so you don't up your fat intake stays at a healthy level. It's good to eat something with some protein in it right after a workout (like yogurt or something else that is easily digested).

And please, for the love of all things good, work your legs and your back. You want a balanced, healthy and strong body, and don't want to walk around looking like an ape. Balance chest exercises with those for your upper back (rowing exercises and pulldowns/chin-ups). Please work your legs, you use them every day and when you work the legs, you work the butt and ladies like a nice butt!

Have fun and good luck!

Other Answers:
Go to the gym and start lifting weights. Stick with it and you'll start to notice a difference in a few weeks. Oh, and take creatine as a supplement to your diet - it will help you make gains faster and it also helps muscle mass increase more quickly.

Specifically, if you want to gain muscle on your chest, abs, and arms, do the following workout: 3 sets bench press, target 6-8 reps. 3 sets incline press, target 6-8 reps. 3 sets preacher curls, target 10 reps. 3 sets skull crushers or tricep pulldowns, target 10 reps. 3 sets crunches, target 50-60 reps. Have fun with it, experiment, and find exercises you like, but this should be a good base to start with until you get more comfortable with the gym and the equipment.
Self (Physiology major, The University of Arizona)

get some high protein and carbo diet .. it'll help you gain some weight n muscles. and of course you have to work out!

drink lot of milk ;)

If you go to Bally's (Where I go) they can help you gain muscle. First they are going to ask you too gain weight, but in a healthy way (Don't go out eating Pizzas, that won't work), While you are gaining weight you should start working out! But I recommended Bally's because the personal trainers there are really good, but you can go to any gym you'd like. I also suggest a trainer so they can help you work on the areas you want to improve. Good Luck and hope you gain that muscle!!

You know what you have to do and I bet you say you eat a lot as well, but you are not eating the right stuff you need alot of protein and you need to work out so that your bodyhas something to build with, If your metabalism is high like mine you can try what I did and eat every three hours (at least a protein shake) which led me from 155lb to 190 and I was one of those guys who couldnt by an inch of fat if my life depended on it.

Just for an update though I ended up deciding to work off most of that back down to 165, all in a year and a half, thats the benefits of high metaboliosm you can do it if you want but you can lose it if you change your mind!

Eat a lot of food and get a highly physically demanding job or work out a lot at a gym (3 or more times a week).

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