Chronic Pain -- Ischial Tuberosities?!

Although I have seen three doctors and many alternative practioners, there has been no diagnosis for my malady. I've had pain in my Ischial Tuberosities region for several months that is very uncomfortable. I've taken anti-inflammatory medications as well as acupuncture, chiropractic, massage and Chinese herb treatments. I would be eternally grateful to find a practioner who can treat this chronic ailment so I can lead a more normal life that is free from this pain.
My first thought was the possibility that you have tight hamstrings. Has that been evaluated by your various doctors?

If that is not a problem, my second thought is to suggest a book by Sherry Rogers, M.D. called: "Pain Free in 6 Weeks". She discusses many causes of chronic and often, unexplainable pains - and how to 'fix the cause'. You can order the book at or from the publisher at 1-800-846-6687.

Best wishes and good luck!

Other Answers:
Chronic Pain
When something is chronic, I like to think of the basics.

How is your pH?
I would check my pH with a strip from a roll of pH paper, available at a health food store. The pH measures the acidity or alkalinity levels in the body. I would measure the pH of saliva and urine, which both should be 7.5 at all times, in my experience. 7 is neutral and not good for the body to heal. Under 7 is acid, the body cannot really heal.

How to Become More Alkaline
Meat, poultry and fish as well as dairy products are highly acid forming. Alkaline-forming foods are e.g. hemp bread (does not get us high), wild rice, yams, vegetables in general, blueberries, ginger, green tea, carrot beet juice etc. Coffee falsifies the result by measuring alkaline but making the body more and more acidic. Dinshah Color MedicineTM also helps greatly to become and stay alkaline. What makes alkaline may be different for different people, thus it is best to measure your pH several times daily, until you know what makes you acid and what makes you alkaline.

What is Your Dinshah Ratio?
This is the ratio between pulse and breath rates. A pulse of 75 and a breath rate of 15 (breathing in and out is one), gives the Dinshah Ratio of 5, which is the Dinshah Health Ratio and ideal, no matter what pulse and breath rates are. The further from 5 the Ratio is, the more urgent it is to make healthful changes to help the body.

How to Find the Dinshah Ratio?
Counting the pulse at the left wrist for one minute, then the breath for one minute, after relaxing for a while, will give the Dinshah Ratio. The pulse number is divided by the breath number. There are Dinshah colors to be used to get the Ratio corrected.
Dinshah Color MedicineTM info at

What is the Temperature at the Affected Area?
The temperature can give you the clue of what is going on. For each temperature range there is a proper Dinshah color, used in the past with amazing effect. Inflammation would need the color Blue and would be indicated by a certain temperature range. Lack of blood circulation in this area may need the Dinshah colors Red or Orange, while toxic sites may need Dinshah Lemon.

Where to get Dinshah Color Filters (Gels)?
You may want to ask at and make yourself a Dinshah Color MedcineTM lamp for a few dollars.

Chronic Pain?
Hypericum Perforatum, a homeopathic plant remedy has worked wonders. I would place 2-4 pills (on milk sugar base only) in 1 ounce of water. Then I would take a drop under my tongue every few seconds until the pain goes down. After that I would take it less and less often, but at least 5 times a day to keep up the healing effects. Hypericum Perforatum is nontoxic, does not make addicted and is used in advanced European hospitals. It has helped me with pain when Dinshah color sessions were not available to me.

Flax Oil
Some people nowadays do not get enough good oil. This happened to me. I had severe pain, until I remembered the remedy of my mom: Flax Oil. Taking a table spoon full in the morning helps to keep or loose weight. In the evening, it helps to gain weight. Flax Oil has a lot of oxygen, which helps to detox the body.

When you balance these factors, your should feel better very soon, I have no doubt.

Enjoy your life - pain free.
Cordially, India.Magica
Dinshah Color MedicineTM info:
pH paper: health food store
Digital thermometer: department store (about $7)

Have you tried or looked into Applied Kinesiology? It consists of a combination of assisted applied movements (with or without resistance), accupressure (to strengthen or weaken specific area to which they are related to your injury/ailment) and apropriate dietary adjustments (combining whole foods, and specific supplements). I find that when most medical and manipulative therapies cease to work that this is the last option prior to exploring surgery. For the most part it really helps. A lot of athletes and other athletic types swear by it. It has even worked for me in the past. Try seeking out a Kinesiologist in your area.
EMT, Massage Therapist with training in Applied Kinesiology.

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