I dont understand guys. =S?!

Why does some guys wear make ups and reads a fashion magazines? This include 1 of my fren. He's kinda hot and all but i cant stand it when he goes out with us he must wear eyeliner & sometimes eyeshadows! And he brings guy's fashion magazine and looks/read/comment at it LIKE A GIRL!
Well worst than us girls. I dont understand him.
He even talks to me about make ups. But the part that makes him a guy is that he has a banana & nuts. And a gf.
sounds like he is gay

Other Answers:
I believe they call that Metrosexual.

maybe he is gay, and too ashamed of it to admit to it

He is probably trying to have a feminine side, but just going about it the wrong way.

Hey, if straight women can wear pants instead of skirts, play basketball instead of sewing, and never be accused of being not a woman for doing so, straight men can wear make-up, be interested in looking good and not have to worry about being "not really a man."

Get over the stereotypes. Not all women have to wear pretty pink dresses and not all men have to be macho football-fan beer-guzzlers.

Guys are like girls in the sense that we can be really different. There is the type of girl who doesn't care how she looks and doesn't care if she's had a shower in 2 weeks or not. Another type of girl takes a shower 3 times a day and cares about her looks to much, being completly stuck up on herself. Of course there are more examples, but guys are the same in that way. Most guys care about their looks but don't read fashion magazines or wear makeup. Some do. Why can't really be answered.

Yep, either metrosexual or gay for sure.

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