This question is to the women who have had children!?!

I have two children, my youngest is almost two years old. I have the post-pregnancy stomach, and I hate it! It is the one thing I hate about my body, and I started weight watchers in hope of it going away but it doesn't seem to be working.

This is my question..if you were able to get rid of it, How? What works and what doesn't? And if you were how long did it take??

I am so unhappy about this that I'm contemplating a mini-tummy tuck. Also, has anyone ever had this done..and if so what did you think of it?

Also, I think that I should add that their father and I are no longer together, so I'm especially self-concious about this. If anyone can relate I'd like to hear about it.

Thanks for viewing and answering!
Weird, I just heard the same exact story on the Tyra Banks show today.lady had the same problem and from what they said exercises and crunches and all that won't work only way is to have the surgery, it sucks and I'm sorry about this, God bless

Other Answers:
Well I am very fortunate i weighed 115 before I got pregnant.I gained 40 lbs. I could fit in my clothes after 3 wks. of giving birth. but i still do have a little puche I always do different kind of cruches and sit ups. so try that.

my youngest kids are twins.7 years old now.i have had the stomach problem and really without a tummytuck it really never goes away.though my stomach is flatter but it is because i lost the weight.but the skin will never be as tight as it was all those years ago.i would say for you to start working out.lift light weights.the extra muscle you make will burn off the fat..and keep on the weight watchers.good luck and don't feel too least you are trying to help yourself.

Woman's belly fat is the hardest thing to get rid of. Believe it or not, walking will do it, or if you like misery, do crunches. Dieting won't get rid of it, you will lose it other places but not there. Walk, walk, walk. Don't consider surgery of any kind. Too risky.

on weight watchers, I found that you have to eat ur exact points allowed in order to lose the weight. I ate under in hopes to lose more, but the next week ate how many points i was suppose so and lost the most weight. So are you eating all of your points? The only exercise i did was 30 min of walking 4 days a week, and I lose about 5-7lbs a week. Which to me seems normal.

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