i did test of hiv 4 times and it was negative am still scared about aids?!


I wish everyone was as scared of Aids as you are. You are wise for getting checked. I annually get checked. Never have unprotected sex. Even if you are in a long-term monogamous relationship, get checked 1x year. Although I hate to say this, you never know if your partner is sleeping around. Protect yourself under any circumstance.

Wishing you all the best.

Other Answers:
Abstain, wear condoms, and/or dont do IV drugs.

You should be scared. It's a worldwide epidemic!

Get yourself rechecked every 6 months, make sure you always wear a condom and avoid needle sticks from used needles.

Then keep yourself safe. When you have sex with others you are sleeping with their whole history.

I say be scared. Practice abstinence and you can minimize your worries some.

HIV leads to AIDS, you can't just get AIDS without getting HIV.

Stay away from dirty needles and cover up all your cuts and scrapes.

Plus, always use protection, get tested regularly and have your partner(s) get tested and always have a talk about STDs before you do the dirty dirty and you should be fine. You don't have to talk about STDs right before you get it on, just talk about it beforehand.

Then don't do anything to get HIV .You know how you contact it ,so what's the problem?

All you can do is be cautious.

Congratulations for being HIV-negative! Your status should make you stress-free as stress depresses the immune system and that could give you a positive reaction in the next test. So although you need to be cautious you must not live in fear. Practise safe sex or abstemiousness and enjoy life!

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