For most of my life, when I stand up, I black out for about 10 seconds. What cau!

Could the cause be an iron deficiency? Do any of you ever experience this? It happens pretty much everytime I stand up, lol.
It's called orthostatic hypertension. When you stand up too fast your bp drops too low causing you to black out or feel faint. Try standing up slowly and see if that helps. Make sure you tell your doctor this is happening because there may be an underlying cause that is treatable.

Other Answers:
yes, it has happened to me too! it could very well be an iron defieciency. also it can have to do with your period. i know when im on it get extremely worse, so it could also be your hormones. see a doc and check it out. i would bu i dont have the money to do so.

I have this problem too. mine's caused by low blood pressure, not having enough oxygenated blood getting to my brain.. you need to go see your doctor. but dont be alarmed, its not too serious.x.

I'm not a doctor, but I would deeply recommend that you see one and find out what your situation is.

It could also be a mitral valve prolapse, which is usually detected when you are near twenty, or in your early 20s. this condition requires that you take meds. before going to the dentist.
See your Doctor about this, and tell him/her about your concerns about possible Prolapse. It is not life threatening, so don't be too alarmed.
Good Luck

You're not actually blacking out, your vision just goes away, right? When you get up quickly? I always figured it was just low blood pressure. It happened to me all the time when I was younger, too. Obviously, it's not period related!

It could also be a symptom of diabetes, but in less serious cases, it's usually caused by low blood pressure, or lack of oxygen to the brain. Get it checked out.

Go to the doctor

i was feelings drowsy alot and dizziness . but i had real bad ear infection for a while and it would cause me to feel un-balanced alot . but , black-outs sounds more serious . see the doctor soon as possible .

i have that too. my mom is a doctor and it normally happens when you have been standing up for a long time.this causes not enough blood to get to the brain. you shouldn't worry to much because its very common. see a doctor if you stay out for a few minutes

This happens to me too, but its because of a condition I have called Pseudotumor Cerebri. Basically I produce to much spinal fluid and it rests behind the optic nerve in my eye and puts pressure on it.

So it could be a number of things causing it and the best thing to do would be to go see a doctor AND an eye doctor. Start with the regular doctor maybe and go from there.

Something I always do when I stand up is make sure I have my hand on something to steady myself because I know I'm gong to black out. If its not blackness I see its my vision getting 'fuzzy' basically it looks like snow on the TV when the TV is on a bad channel.

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