Quick Way to Lose the LBS?!

What is the FASTEST and most EFFECTIVE way to lose ALOT of weight? (i dont care if its healthy or not..it cant b as unhealthy as bein overweight)(1 xseption.i dont want an aswer about throwing up.i draw a line there..but ALL other answers ARE welcome)

plez help.(i will b honest.i dont want answers saying: "Do it right.w/ exercise and good diet." B/C i am
am in high school and i have bin in 7th period athletics for 3-4 years and there hasn't been much differance. I work as hard as i can at what ever i do.So i need an alternitive
well you can crash diet, that makes you lose weight very fast but you can't keep it off for a long period of time, the longest is about a month, and you can't eat anything but non fat yogurt three times a day, that is it, but a healthy way to lose weight is to eat right and exercise

Other Answers:
run, and go on a diet!

Okay, eat in small portions.really really small portions several times a day. Also, walk up and down the stairs or jump rope.

run an hour a day and dont over eat. have a serving of something for breakfast,lunch,dinner and for a snack have fruit. there are more unhealther things than being over weigt just to let you know.


Possibly one of the fastest and still safe methods of loosing weight is via Low Carb

Look up Atkins (very strict but good) to low-carb-diets in a google search and you will find heaps of information.

In the mean time, stop eating potato, rice, pasta, sugar and anything made with flour. Cut back on high starch veggie i.e. yams, carrots etc.

While you are doing this - make sure you take a good multi vitamin - daily - without fail.

Good luck
Low carb looser who went from 90kg to 54 kg without difficulty

If you lose weight too fast, it's only water weight leaving your body, and will come right back. Eat turkey, chicken, fish(not fried) and fruit and veggies. No white stuff, whole grain.Drink water.

Herbalife is the quickest and easiest plan out there. I lost 35 pounds in two months and I feel great. It really depends on how serious you are. We can design a plan for you. It is easy!

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