what is the best over the counter diet pills?!


Lets face it people.If diet pills worked there would be no fat people.

Other Answers:

a bow-flex jkin how bout runnin thats better for you

I think Farenheit is.

I don't recommend over the counter diet pills. They can be dangerous and have different side effects on everyone. So many of us anymore think that diet pills are the answer and they are not. The simple way to go is to not eat a lot. To eat sensibly, excercise and drink plenty of water. You are doing it naturally and not loading yourself with a bunch of chemicals and therefore you are going to be feel so good.

Even the "all natural" pills are not good. I heard about apple cider vinegar and apple pectin. I tried those with a good diet and then I noticed that I was so irritable and on edge and I found out that they were causing my blood sugar to drop. Grapefruit pills had something in them that caused my heart to palapitate.

It's just advice to you. I am one of those people that cares about others. I am not telling you what to do , just trying to help.

I have tried a lot of "fat burners" from my experience (I lost more than 70lbs). I can tell you that most of those products are just marketing hype.

Some of them may be efficient and but when my personal training clients asked me about "fat burners" I tell them that before you buy anything to take a look at Will Brink's Diet Supplements Revealed .

Actually right now, They are giving away free extracts from the e-book so you can see inside at exactly what products is being reviewed. He'll tell you what really works and what is just *marketing hype*

Just go here

They will send you the extract's immediately.


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