When i have bad cramps during period I faint, is it normal?!


you only faint when the cramps are bad? from the pain? or you faint when the flow is heavy? or with every period? vet tech is right -- i'd suspect anemia (low iron), too, but i would DEFINITELY get thyself to a doctor, stat.

Other Answers:
It could be that the cramps are not related to fainting.
It could acutally be that iron deficiency is causing you to be anemic during your menstruation.
Anemia basically means that your body isn't producing enough red blood cells.
Blood loss, such as from heavy periods can often be the cause of anemia.
Low iron and anemia can cause you to feel tired and fatigued, make you appear pale, have cold hands or feet, and near-black outs or actually passing out.
My suggestion to to take a vitamin high in iron during your time of the month and eat foods high in iron such as red meat, seafood, green leafy veggies, or dried fruits.

i had a friend who had that same problem. her doctor put her on the pill to control her hormones. that solved everything.

The same thing used to happen to me. When I'd have severe cramps, I'd vomit and faint because the pain was so unbearable. My doctor diagnosed endometriosis and put me on birth control pills -- problem solved.

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